Melody 2 ~ Dream or Reality?

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Just when i was thinking, my mother had spotted me standing at the entrance of the garden. She then called out to me.

" Kim Ailee! What are you dazing about there! Hurry here at once!" My mother shouted.

I ran at full speed when i heard my mother's voice. While running, i did not notice that there were a pebble right infront of me and i tripped on it. I fall flat to the ground. So Hyun hyung who had witnessed the whole scene ran to me and helped me up.

" Princess, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Hyung asked me while restraining his laughter and offering his help.

" Kamsahamnida.." i said while pulling myself up. I felt so clumsy and embarrased that i wanted to cry on the spot but realising that my mother was there, i held on to it and walk briskly to where my mother is sitting. Hyung had pulled out a chair for me and so i sat on it while facing at my mother.

"Took you long enough to reach here. But it's ok. You are a clumsy girl to start with. Anyway, i have something important to discuss with you now." Mother said while looking at me straight in the eye.

" You are Kim Ailee, the only child in this family. When you have come to the age of 30, you will take over your father's businesses and will be the crown princess. So in order to be the crown princess, you have to get married. We have decided that you will marry with Prince Jung Im, the royal family from the neighboring town."

" What the...?! Why must i get married so soon omma?! I'm only 19 this year and i need to marry a guy whom i have not met just so that i will be the crown princess?! This does not make sense at all!" Without realising, i shouted at my mother to express my disagreement.

"Now, now young lady! That is not a way to talk to your mother! You have been living overseas for far too long that you have adapt to the way they talk! You cannot object this marriage and the decision is final! Starting tomorrow, you will be having classes to correct the way you talk and behave! That is all i have to discuss with you. Now, guards, take her to her room!" My mother said without letting me to answer.

Is this really how my fate will be? Marrying a guy whom i don't know, take over my father's company to become the crown princess and throw away my dreams?? I can't think of any possible route to take other then that. How i wish this was a dream rather than a reality....

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