Melody 6 ~ The Escape

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It is 10.50pm and the lights at my parents room are switch off. This means they have already gone to sleep. Now is the time for me to escape. I took my bag which had been packed beforehand and slowly open my bedroom door. I peep from the side of the wall to see if they is any guards on duty. Thankfully, there were none. So I ran full speed towards the entrance gate when suddenly I saw So Hyun hyung standing at the guard post.

"Aigoo, what should I do now? If hyung finds out, my plan will be ruined." I told myself. I then had an idea. I took out my phone and call Eung Gie.

"Eung gie yah, I need you to call So Hyun hyung and ask him to buy for you jajangmyeon." I ask Eung Gie for help.

"Waeyo? I have already eaten just now and I'm still full." Eung Gie said.

"I'm stuck here. So Hyun hyung is now at the guard post and I can't get out if he is there. So please help me.." I begged her.

"Ok ok. I will help you. But after you get out of the palace, come to my house asap ok!" She said in a stern voice.

"Yay! You are really my best friend..! Thank You !" I thanked her.

2 minutes after the call, I saw So Hyun hyung answered a phone call. He then talk on the phone for a while and went out of the guard post with his car keys and coat.

"He must be heading to buy jajangmyeon for Eung Gie. Good, now i can escape.." I said to myself in a low voice.

I tiptoe carefully past the guard post and went running out of my palace. I was so glad to be out of the palace without anyone following right behind me. I then hail a cab and headed straight to Eung Gie house, just like she told me to.

After a 15 minutes journey, i reached at Eung Gie house. From inside the cab, i saw Eung Gie waiting for me at her garden. Without wasting time, i paid the cab fare and run straight to her garden.

"Eung Gie! I miss you so much, i could die! Thanks for all the things that you have helped me today!" I hugged Eung Gie tightly.

"Ok ok.. I missed you too but now is not the time to be hugging me here. You need to get inside my house now cause So Hyun oppa is on his way here!" She told me worriedly.

I smiled at her and walk my way to her room at the second floor. When i reached her room, i was so shocked to see the interior of her room. Her wall was covered with posters of a guy. Her pillow case and blankets also has pictures of him. She also has tons of album collection containing his pictures which are being stack at a shelves. My mouth just drop. How can she be obsess with this guy?

While I was being shocked over her room, I heard Eung Gie voice from below. so, I peep from the window to see what was happening.

"So Hyun oppa! Did you get what i wanted?" She asked So Hyun hyung who just got out of his car.

"Yup. You wanted jajangmyeon right. Here.." So Hyun hyung gave a black pastic bag to Eung Gie.

"Gomawo oppa! I will eat it later.." She hug hyung while thanking him.

"Gwaenchanh-a.. Anyway, why did you want to eat jajangmyeon at night. I thought you wanted to loss weight. You also just had your dinner right? So, what's this about?" He asked her curiously.

"Nothing oppa... I just wanted to see you, that's all.. hehe.. Sorry for making you go through all the trouble and lie to you.." Eung Gie said with a sad face.

"It's ok.. Next time tell me honestly.. Don't lie again ok?" hyung said while brushing her head.

Eung Gie just smiled back. Then, she walk back in the house and came up to her room.

" Woah! That was intense! I almost got caught there..." She said in relieve.

"Yay! Now i can go to 'The Event' tomorrow! I can't wait!.... Well, we put that aside for now. Now, i want to ask you. Who is this guy? Why are you so obsess with him?" I asked Eung Gie while pointing to the poster.

"What! You don't know who this is?! You must be kidding me!" She asked shockingly as in not believing what i just said.

"I'm not kidding you.. I really don't know who he is..." I reply back to her with a ' i really don't know ' face.

"OK then. I will tell you who this is and you need to remember alright.. You might not know but it could help you in the near future for remembering them.." She told me strangely.

She continued,"This guy is my bias, Baekhyun. He is cute right? Ok.. Anyway, he is from this group. It's called EXO and there are 12 members altogether." She shows me a picture of EXO.

"Hemm.... Now i can see why you are so obsess with him.. But why do you like him? The others are also as handsome and cute as him right?" I asked curiously.

"That is because he is the most cutest one. He is also friendly, you know.." Eung Gie said while smiling to herself.

"Friendly? How do you know that? Have you ever meet him before?"

"Yup.. But at a fan meet.. He is so cute..! At that time i was sick but i still went to the fan meet anyway cause it's my only opportunity... When he was signing my poster, he notice that i was coughing.. And than you know what...? He went to his bag and gave me a cough syrup!!! He than told me to take care of myself and rest alot so that my cold will get well!!" She told me excitedly.

"Anyway, that is not important.. What is important is that 'The Event' you are going tomorrow is held by their company and two others.. So if you qualify, you could be under them!!" She shriek.

"Really? That is great news then! Now, let's eat that jajangmyeon and get our beauty sleep for tomorrow..." I said calming Eung Gie down from her excitement..

"I just wish that tomorrow will be a great day for me..." I said to myself

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