Melody 21 ~ Care Taker

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Annyeong!! I really thank you guyz for the votes and adding my story to your reading list!! I really appreciate it!! Anyway, I hope my story was good so far.. So, here is my next chap.. Hope you enjoy reading and please help me by voting and following me but don't forget to comment too as it helps me to improve my story!!^~^

(Chanyeol's POV)

The rain is getting heavier and I'm still at the rooftop garden while hugging Yumii tightly. I don't know why but somehow she gives me warmth and strength when she hug me and it makes me not want her to stop hugging me. This is my first time crying in front of someone. I had promise myself that whatever happens, never to show people my weak side and to show only happiness and laughter but I broke it today. I just can't keep it anymore! I don't know why I feel relax and comfortable with Yumii that I can show this side of me. Even with Baekkie, I can never show him this side of me but why is it different with Yumii? What makes Yumii different from Baekkie?

Maybe it's because I love Baekkie more then I have feelings for Yumii.. But that can't be! If that were it, then I would have shown this side of me to my other members long ago.. Seriously! This is making me confuse myself! Argh! I don't care anymore! I will figure this out as time passes by.. But now, what's important is that I need to get my revenge on Baekkie! I just can't forget what he did to me after all the years we're been together! I'm so sorry Yumii but I need to use you.. To use you for my own revenge.. I'm really sorry for being selfish and inconsiderate..

"Yeollie sunbae.. Are you ok now? We should get in the shelter now.. The rain is getting heavier.. If you do not want to then it's ok.. I will stay with you here until you're ok.. I will always be here with you.." Yumii suddenly said and that made me snap out of my thinking. She was still hugging me and caressing my back to make me feel better. She was so loving and gentle that it makes me feel guilty for using her.

"It's ok.. I'm fine now.. Let's go inside.. Thank You for being here with me eventhough it's raining.." I reply to her with a smile and look at her in the eyes. She was drench with rain but still look so beautiful and shining, like an angel. She then smile to me back happily and hug me again but somehow she felt more warm then before. That was when I realise that the wind was blowing hard and that all this time, she was hugging me to keep me off the rain. I shook off from the hug and look at her clearly. She was shivering and her face look so pale with her eyes and nose slightly red.

I immediately stood up from the bench. "Yumii.. Let's get you to the nurse office.. You running a fever!" I told her and she gave me a smile before she suddenly fainted. I was shocked but luckily I manage to catch her before she fall. I immediately carry her bridal style to the nurse office but found it close and so, I went to my room. I swipe my card and open the door. I then rush to my bed and lay Yumii down before rushing around my dorm to find any medication for Yumii's cold.

After 5 minutes of running around, I finally found the first aid box and quickly took the cold medicine. I ran towards to Yumii with the medicine and a glass of warm water. "Yumii..Yumii.. Please wake up.. You have to eat this medicine.. Please at least eat this medicine before you rest.. Please.. If not, you will never get well..." I shook her hand but there were no sign of her being conscious. I then touch her forehead and it was burning hot. I shook her again but still no reply. I began to get worried and angry. Worried because of Yumii and angry because this is all my fault..

I began to think of a way to make her swallow the medicine and somehow I have an idea but me doing it, I don't even know whether I can even do it. I began to pace around my room back and forth thinking whether I should do it or not. If I do it, it's going to be embarrassing to face Yumii in the future but if I don't, she will not recover and might even die. I then continue to pace around my room.

After 2 minutes of pacing around, I made a decision to do it. Even if it's going to be embarrassing, I have to do it for Yumii.. This is all my fault to began with. If it's not because of me, she will never be sick. I then walk my way to Yumii with the medicine and the glass of water in hand. I look at her pale face that is so white and her lips that is dry. I then took a deep breath before putting the medicine in my mouth and drink a mouth full of water.

I made my way to Yumii and carry her head up before giving her the medicine by mouth. Some of the water slip out of her mouth and stream out at the corner of her lips where there were a gap in between our lips. I made sure that she had swallow the medicine before pulling my lips away from hers. I know it seems wrong but that is the only way to make her swallow the medicine. I then took out a white shirt and help her change as her shirt is wet but I didn't dare to look while I was changing her. I feels so awkward but if I didn't change her clothes, she will feel cold and my bed will get wet. I then took her drench clothes to the washing machine to wash it clean.

While waiting for the clothes to finish cleaning, I took a big bowl and put in ice cold water and soak in a small clean towel to put at Yumii's forehead. I also cook for her a simple chicken porridge that Kyungsoo had taught me a long time ago. I then bring the big bowl with me and place it at the tabletop near the bed. I squeeze out the water from the towel and gently place it on top of Yumii's forehead. Somehow, her fever had gone down abit since eating the medicine. I then took a chair and seat beside the bed while watching her and caressing her hand. Without realising, I had fallen asleep with my head on the bed, right beside her hand...

(Lay's POV)

I am now inside the music room with Baek pacing around back and forth. He is making me dizzy with his movement and make me lose consentration from playing my guitar. Feeling annoyed(which I don't usually feel as I'm always calm), I spoke up.

(Lay)" Baek.. Can you please stop pacing around. It's making me dizzy.. If you have nothing better to do, why not you go find Chanyeol. You have hurt him you know.."

(Baekhyun)"What for? He started it first.. Seriously, how can he say that I have forgotten all those memories that we had created?! I'm doing this because there are lots of rumours going around about our group being gays and stuff.. If at least one of us have a girlfriend or an interest to a girl, the rumors will be gone right.. Why can't he understand? I know it's hard especially when we have always been together, but come on.. The rumours started is also because of me and Channie. We have always been together since trainee and fans even began to ship us.. What can I do to make him understand?" He said while still pacing around.

(Lay)"You want to know how to make him understand?" I ask and finally he stop pacing around and face me.

(Baekhyun)"How hyung? Is it even possible now?" He ask me.

(Lay)"Of course it's possible but all you need is courage.. If you don't have that, it won't work.. Now, what you have to do is very easy.. Just tell him everything that you said to me just now.. From the start to the end.. Don't even miss a point.." I said and he look confuse. "If you do that, he will get the reason why you're attach to Yumii right? I know that he is very important to you and he is the one you trust the most like me and Suho.. So, go find him and tell him.. I'm sure he is willing to listen.."I said and he nodded his head before rushing of the music room with a smile on his face.

I hope this will make Chanyeol be more honest. I know that he is also starting to like Yumii. Why do I say this? Because he came inside the music room 15 minutes after the class had started and was mumbling about Yumii having magic and being invincible women. From that, I know that he is following Yumii as when I was on the way out of my room, I heard his voice from inside my room cursing Baek and Luhan hyung about being too attach to Yumii. I really hope that they both can be honest with their feelings and with each other..

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