Melody 27 ~ The Revelation[Part 2]

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(D.O's POV)

I'm currently outside the Music Room with Yumii's bodyguard. I don't know why but when her bodyguard says that he is bringing Yumii back to her palace, I kind of felt sad and for some reason, I don't want her to leave. Yes, you may say that I'm kind of crazy, ignoring her for a whole 3 months and now not wanting her to leave. Actually, it's not that I want to ignore her.. It's just that I'm still not ready to face her yet and I don't know what to say to her if I were to face her. I'm not that kind of person who holds a grudge at someone for so long and I kind of forgive her when I saw her trying her best everyday to explain to me her reasons. To be true, for the whole 3 months, I've actually been watching her from a distance, watching her slowly grow and emerge into a beautiful angel again, like how she is now. With just a little more effort, she could finally debut but now that I know she is going back, I seriously don't know how to feel. It's like a waste if she goes now. Just when many thoughts were running around my head, I snap out of it when I saw Yumii's bodyguard open the music room door and peep inside.

I was actually wanting to stop him but somehow I saw the scene that was happening inside and something inside me began to boil and explode. I don't know what happen to me but my body began to move on it's own and unknowingly, I slam the door open and ran straight ahead to Baekhyun before punching him on his face. I kind of felt relieve when I had punch him and because of my sudden action, he landed on his butt with blood coming out of his nose. Suddenly, a hand landed on my left cheek making it swollen red. I then saw Yumii crying while grabbing the tip of my collar.

(Yumii) "Have you lost your mind! Why did you did that?! He is your teammate and your hyung at that! Have you gone freako after ignoring me for 3 months?! Did you did that just to make me tick off and make my blood boil?! What is wrong with you?!" She shouted at me while shaking me back and forth with my collar. After she did that, then I realised I did something I shouldn't have. My feelings had made me do something stupid. Just the sight of her with someone else makes me like this. I then turn around and face my back towards her.

(D.O) "It's nothing... I just when out of control.. That's all.. Hyung, bian.. I didn't mean to punch you.. Jinjja bian.. If you're not happy that I had hit you, you can punch me back.." I said while facing to the floor. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

(Baekhyun) "It's ok Dyo.. I know why you did that... Can't you be a little honest to yourself? I know what you're feeling since long ago when you started to change.. Please.. Next time, try to control yourself abit.. alright?" Baekhyun hyung said before giving me a light punch on my chest. Then I realise something.. I had forgotten all about Yumii's bodyguard! Just when I was about to speak out, someone interrupted me...

(So Hyun's POV)

I and the other bodyguards is standing at the door watching the whole scene and it seems the intimidating guy name is D.O. Somehow because of the scene that happen, it seems that this D.O guy had forgotten all about me. Because time is running out, I went inside the room and cut out what this D.O guy was about to talk.

(So Hyun) "Your highness.. At last, I have found you.. I came here to bring you back.. Please.. Come follow me back.." I said and everyone in the room look at me, feeling shocked.

(Yumii) "Hy..Hyung.. Wh..What... are.. you.. do..doing here? H..How.. did.. you..." She ask while stuttering and I can see her whole body was shivering.

(So Hyun) "I came here to get you back, Ailee.. Why else would I be here? The part where I was able to find you; Let's just say it was just a mere of luck.." I said and went to hug her. "I was really worried about you.. Why did you run away so suddenly? Can't you trust me and tell me about your problems? I have always been there for you when you're in trouble.. Am I not good enough as your bodyguard and your friend?" I ask her while still hugging her.

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