Melody 19 ~ Rivalry

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Annyeong!! Thank you for reading my story and for all of the votes!!^~^ This is a short update and hope you guyz will like.. Please continue to support me by commenting, voting and following!! Happy reading!!

(Someone's POV)

They were walking to class while happily chatting away with one another. How I wish I could be like that around her but I'm always too nervous and my heart start to beat fast every time Yumii is around me. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I think I'm starting to have some affection towards Yumii. My heart feels real pain when she is around other guys and whenever she smiles, it feels like heaven to me.

She seems too perfect except for the fact that she has a weird sense of thinking. Other then that, there is nothing on her that you can pinpoint as a bad point. She is cute, pretty, fair skin, has a slim body, kind and most of all she is cheerful and has lots of energy! And not forgetting that she is a good cook too! She is every men dream girl.. She even has talent in singing and playing instrument which make her more desirable.. How I wish I can have her all to myself..

Anyway right now, I'm kind of looking at her from afar or should I say stalking her? I know I look like a pervert who is watching girls but who wouldn't if that girl is Yumii? She just look so sexy eventhough she is wearing a sweatpants and a crop top. But I'm not stalking her because I want to admire her sexy body (which is also a reason why I'm stalking her), but because I just lost the chance to send her to class.

So because I can't send her to class, I will just watch her until she enter her class.. I know I'm lame but you can't blame me.. Just when I was getting ready to go to her room, both Baekkie and Luhan hyung is already at the front of her room, fighting against each other for who knows what but I guess it's because they want to have an alone time with Yumii.. What should I do to get her to look at me and me only? How can I win the others? For now, the confirm suspect that 'Love' Yumii is Baekkie, Luhan hyung, Kai, Sehunnie and obviously Sunny noona! I guess she loves Yumii more then us.. What to do? What to do?..

(Yumii's POV)

I and Amy is now inside our class having language lesson. It's so great to have someone to be my partner. If Amy is not here, I think I'm going to be named 'Loner Girl' in class. The boys just can't stop looking at me since yesterday. They are so creepy. Thank god Amy is here to block my view of them. I just have to wait another 10 more minutes before class ends and my nightmare will be gone. But the thing is if the class ended, Amy will go for her schedule at her company and I can't get to have a chat to know her better. How I wish she was a student here..

(Prof So)"Ok class! That is all for today! Now, you need to go to your next class! Please hurry up! I don't want you guys to be late! Erm..Ms Yumii, Ms Amy.. Can I talk to you for a second?" Prof So called us and we made our way to the teachers table.

(Prof So)"Ok.. I won't waste your time as you girls need to go for your schedule.. Anyway, Ms Amy.. I was told to tell you that there will be a driver assigned to you to take you to your company. So you won't need to take a cab to and forth from FNC to here. Your driver has your schedule given to him so that he will pick you up right after your language lesson. I suppose he has already arrive. So Ms Amy, that is all.. You may leave..I don't want you to be late.." Amy just nodded her head and hug me before she leave the classroom. I was staring at the door that she left from and came back to reality when I heard Prof So voice. I then turn my head to face him.

(Prof So)"For you young lady, I don't have anything to talk to you but got lots of things to ask you instead.. So, do you mind if I took a little bit of your time?"

(Yumii)"No.. Of course I don't mind Prof So.. What do you want to ask about Prof So?" I ask adding a little sarcasm there. I'm actually still hating Prof So of what he said about EXO sunbaes. They are not even close to what Prof So describe them to be but because he is my professor and is in charge of my class, of course I can't show my hatred to him or be rude to him. I just need to keep it all inside of me for now.

(Prof So)"I want to know what you did yesterday during the trial schedule.. Did your trainers came? How was it? Are they ok or was they lazy to teach you? And where were you yesterday? You are no where to be found yesterday during the performance at the hall.." He ask me with a curious look on his face. I sigh before replying to his question.

(Yumii)"Prof So, you don't need to worry about me. My trainers came yesterday and it was a fun lesson. I was really looking forward to it today too. They were funny and was very lively. They never stop teaching me new stuff yesterday. They use every second to teach me with joy. And during the performance, I was in the ladies. I had something to take care of and when I went back to the hall, it was empty. It was said that the performance was cancelled right?" I answered with a sarcastic tone and it seems that Prof So still doesn't get what I mean.

(Prof So)"Oh I see.. but that is weird. They are usually not like that but it's ok. It's good that you enjoy your lesson. You may leave now.. I don't want to ruin your enjoyment.." He said and give me a smile. I then bowed to him before leaving the class to my lesson.

When I was on my way to my musical lesson, I was pulled inside the toilet by someone. That person was behind me while covering my mouth with its hand and said 'shhh...' at my ear. I was scared and nervous at the same time. What is this person going to do to me? What have I done to be in this situation? And why is this person wears a nice perfume that makes me want to sniff out all the smell out of its skin? Argh!! I can't take it anymore!! My heart is beating faster as seconds pass and I'm going to pass out if I stay like this any longer!

Just went I was about to step on its leg and bite its hand, the person suddenly whispered something into my ear. "Just stay like this a minute longer.. Someone is following you without you knowing.. It seems to me like you have a stalker.." That person whispered into my ear, making me shiver from its hot breath. Somehow, its voice sounded so familiar and so I peek to the side and saw who it was. I was so shock that I froze up and became speechless.

(Person)"What are you looking at? Is my face that handsome that you can't resist staring at it?" He said while smirking.

(Yumii)"I..It..It's just.. It's just that..I..I'm shock.. Th..That's all.. Why are you here sunbae? How did you know someone is following me?" I ask while still frozen on my spot.

(Person)"I just did you a favor of getting away from your stalker and that's your thank you? Hem.. Can't do anything about it since you're a weird girl but I will answer your question. I'm here because I'm trying to help you and I know about it because I was on my way to the cafeteria when I saw someone peeping you from behind a wall and following you as you walk.. Now, did I answer all your question  Ms weird girl?" He whispered in my ear while smirking.

(Yumii )"Yes you just did! And I'm not a weird girl Mr cold guy!! I'm just different.. Anyway, thanks for helping me and I guess the stalker is already gone. So, good bye 'Riri sunbae'.. Hehe.." I said before running out the toilet while laughing and continue my journey to class...

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