Melody 30 ~ A 'Complete' Future

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(Third Person's POV)

As Luhan, Chen, Kai and Sehun confess their love towards Yumii and proposed towards her, a voice suddenly called out. "It's true! That's not the one you're looking for! The person is here!" The person said while pointing to a girl who was wearing a mask and a snapback. All of them was confused and they felt a need to believe what the person had said as the person is their one and only, Xiumin hyung.

"What do you mean hyung? Isn't that obviously Yumii is there? If that's not her, then who is that? And who is that girl beside you?" Sehun, the maknae, broke the silence.

(Xiumin) "This here is Yumii and that there, the one that's marrying the prince, is her twin, Amy.." Xiumin answered to the maknae question with a relaxed expression on his face.

(Chen) "Hahaha!! Do you think we can believe that lie of yours, hyung? You're doing this cause you want Yumii all to yourself right? Admit it hyung! I know you have feelings for Yumii as the way you treat her is the same as you did for me but more.." Chen said while looking at Xiumin directly at his eyes.

(Xiumin) "Fine.. I admit that I do have feelings for Yumii.. She's a nice girl with a pleasant attitude. She cooks, does housework and even look beautiful in anything she does. She is also funny and kind hearted. Who doesn't want a girl like her as a future wife? But what I'm telling you now is true.. That is Amy while this is Yumii.." He said calmly while the girl beside him pull out her mask to show her face. They were all shocked to see that it really was Yumii but then became confused all again.

(Kai) "Wait.. wait.. If this is Yumii, then who's that? Since when the princess has a twin? You don't say that that is really Amy right? How can Amy and Yumii be related?" Kai asked feeling soo confused.

(Yumii) "Haiz.. Fine.. I will explain everything.. You see.. Minmin sunbae arrived here 1 hour before the wedding started and he was actually confused like you guys but I told him what had happened in this 2 weeks that I was gone.. I found out that Jung Im oppa had no longer had feelings for me like he used too while Amy had developed feelings for him instead.. And that's how I found out that oppa also had feelings for her too.. The twin thing.. Let's just say that it was a long story  and I'm glad that I have a younger sister.. She told me to live my dream as she is happy as long as she has oppa by her side and that's how we decided to let her be the crown princess instead and took over my role while I took hers and live my dream.." Yumii said as she breath in hardly.

Chen, Luhan, Sehun and Kai nodded in return to her explanation while D.O stood there just looking at whats happening in front of his eyes.

(Luhan) "I see.. But then.. That just means that we had wasted the effort and breath confessing and proposing our love towards the wrong person then.." Luhan said while looking sad.

(Yumii) "Nope.. Not one bit.. I was seating at the back row and I heard all of your confession but it's just that you guys were not facing the right 'Yumii'.. Haha.." She laughed and we joined her. But then, someone suddenly spoke out.

(D.O) "So.. What is your decision? Who's your choice?" D.O said with a poker face planted on his face that made Yumii stop laughing and smirk towards him.

(Yumii) " Oh that.. That's easy.. I just need to ask you guys an important question before I tell you guys my decision.. You guys must know me well to choose me then other girls right?" Yumii ask and all of the guys nodded including D.O too, without him realising it. "So.. When is my birthday?"

With that one question, all the guys froze on the spot and started thinking hard but no matter how hard they think, nothing came in mind as they didn't knew her birthday to begin with. Minutes passed and none of them spoke anything. Because of that, Yumii, Amy and Jung Im started laughing as they knew that all of them didn't knew the answer to her question. Just when Yumii was about to spoke, someone interrupted her.

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