Melody 14 ~ New Life, New Beginning

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(Yumii's POV)

I was seated at the upper deck with all of the members of EXO and we are talking and laughing happily. It was so great to have nice trainers like them. Somehow, they all agreed on me giving them a nickname each as to cheer me up and because Xiumin sunbae, or should I say, Minmin sunbae told them to. In the end, they agreed and like the the nickname that I gave them. Now all of my trainers has a nickname. D.O sunbae as D.O sunbae, Lay sunbae as Xixi sunbae, Kris sunbae as Kris sunbae, Tao sunbae as Tao sunbae, Chanyeol sunbae as Yeollie sunbae and Chen sunbae as it is. I actually wanted to call Kris sunbae, Riri sunbae but he didn't want it.. So, I didn't force it on him..

While we were busy laughing away, suddenly the Director went up on stage and it made the whole hall became quite. "I'm sorry to say but the performance has been cancelled due to a certain circumstances... Hope you all could understand.. So, hope the year one student will have a pleasant time studying here and make sure to move all your stuff to the room by tonight.. That is All.." He said and leave the stage making the hall noisy again.

(Xiumin ) " That's unexpected.. They have never cancelled a performances before.." Then, Yeye unnie suddenly spoke up from behind me.

(Taeyeon) "It's because his dear daughter just had a broken heart.. So, he cancelled it as his daughter is sobbing away and needs his attention.. What a brat!" It totally shocked me on what Yeye unnie just said. I couldn't believe she just said that.

(Chanyeol)"Noona, since when were you, Seohyun noona and Sunny noona is seating behind us?" Yeollie sunbae asked and Susu unnie just sigh.

(Sunny) "Since just now.. You guys are all busy talking to my cute dongsaeng that you guys don't even realised that we are just behind you guys.. What a shame.. My cute dongsaeng should not hang around you guys.. I don't know what you guys would do to her.." She said and gave me a back hug, making me blush.

Then I realised something. I totally forget that Yeye unnie knows my secret. Curious I said,"Yeye unnie.. Can I speak with you for a while.." Knowing what I wanted to talk about, she nod and we walk to the last row of seats where it is empty and far from where the sunbaes is sitting.

"Wanting to know how I know? Whether Seohyun and Sunny knows about this?" She said when we just sat down. "Yup! I really do.. I have tried my very best to change my look, my way of talking but you still can know it's me.. So, I want to know what is it that I lack that you know I'm the princess.." I said and she smile.

"Ok.. Sure.. I'll tell you.. But just to tell you, Seohyun and Sunny, already knows about this.. You actually don't lack in anything... Anyone, even if it's your parents, won't even realise that they are talking to their daughter if you were to just suddenly greet them.. I simply finds it coincidence... I, Seohyun and Sunny was walking out to buy some mocha latte went we saw you and your 'sister' shopping. You somehow look really familiar to the princess, so we followed you to find out that you really are the princess.. How we find out? Your 'sister' was saying "Thank you, Ailee!" so loudly that we manage to hear it from a distance.. So that is basically the whole story..Now, I want to know.. Why in the world does a princess like you want to be a kpop idol like us? It is actually more s**k and stressful then you think you know.." Yeye unnie told me.

"I know.. But it was my dream to be one.. In all my life, I was restricted to hear any kind of music other then classical and cultural... But then one day, my private bodyguard bought a CD for my birthday and I thought it was a classical CD.. So I open it up and hear it, to find it was not a classical music but a music that I did not know anything about.. So I asked my bodyguard and he told me that the song is sang by a group called 'Wonder Girls' and the music is called kpop.. After that day, I became interested to become one of them as their music was lively and gives lives and happiness to the people who hear it.."I said and Yeye unnie was just nodding to my answers. "But what about your fiance and family? Don't you care about them?" She ask me.

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