Melody 13 ~ Jealousy

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(Baekhyun's POV )

I somehow am feeling really happy right now. Beside me is the women i love and we're walking together, hand in hand, fingers entwine tightly. Ah.. How wonderful life is.. But somehow, something seemed amiss.. I am walking with her but somehow it's like I am not walking with her. Here I am walking with her and thinking about her but she is not doing the same.. She is obviously thinking about something else as her face seems uncalm and full of worried. "Yumii.. What are you thinking about? Are you worried about something? " I asked as I am curious and it seems like I had interrupted her deep thoughts.

"Huh.. Aniyo.. Waeyo?" She asked. " Oh.. Nothing..Just asking.. You look worried.." I told her and she suddenly calm down. "If there is anything worrying you, you can tell us.. We could help you out.." Suho hyung suddenly spoke up from behind Yumii making me realise that he existed.

"Oh.. Hyung.. You were behind us all along? Didn't realise you were there.." I said and somehow it made Yumii laugh softly. Even though her laugh was soft, I can hear it.It was sweet and cute.. Just like her.." A/a-ya.. You obviously won't notice me if I didn't speak up just now, right?!" Hyung said and it made me confuse. "What do you mean by that, hyung?" I ask. "You are obviously busy coupling there, that you even forget that I existed behind you right?! I bet you're the only one that didn't know I am behind you.." Hyung said while sighing. "Hyung.. You are behind me, walking quietly... How is anybody suppose to know that you are behind them?.."I said and Yumii started to laugh again.

"Yumii.. Why are you laughing? Is what I'm saying funny to you?" I ask. "Yup!.. It definitely does.. I think what Suho sunbae said is true.. If you weren't busy thinking about me, you actually can hear Suho sunbae talking about you and cursing at your childish attitude.. I'm sure anyone in front of him will realise that he is behind them.." She answered while restraining her laughter. Hearing her answer suddenly made me embarrassed and I blush deep red. Hyung who saw me blushing tease me more,"At least Yumii agrees with me.. I think this couple is so... 'One sided'.." He said and it made me blush more."It's ok.. I find it cute when he acts like that.. Anyway, we should hurry up.." Yumii suddenly said that and it made me glad. At least she doesn't hate me.

We walk for a few minute before reaching at the entrance of the hall finding it filled with girls shouting and shrieking calling my members name. "Oppa! Kris Oppa! Please look here!!" One of the girls shouted, calling Kris hyung but he just ignore them coldly by listening to his podcast.Yumii suddenly began to shiver, sending vibration to my hand as our fingers are still entwine to each other. Seeing sweat starting to piled up at her forehead, i took out a small towel from my pocket and wipe it off."Yumii.. Are you ok? What are you scared about?" I ask her and the vibration that I get,  is getting more intense. "Sunbae.. Can I seat with you at the upper deck of the hall? Jeh-bahl..." She said to me sadly and she suddenly grab my hand tightly,  leaving no gap in between our hands. I then turn to Suho hyung."Hyung.. Can she? Is it ok with this kind of situation?" I ask hyung who is looking at the crowd of girls shouting. "I don't know if it's ok.. The upper deck is only for the idols that is schooling here.. But I guess if we cover her face, it will be ok.. The fans won't know and she won't get caught.." Suho hyung answered back while searching for something. Then he went somewhere and came back a few minutes later with his leopard print jacket.

"Yumii.. Here.. Wear this and cover your face with this hoodie.. Just keep quiet and never let go of Baekhyun's hand ok?" Suho hyung gave the jacket to Yumii and she wore it while nodding to hyung's instruction. After she wore the jacket and cover her face with the hoodie, we made our way to the upper deck with Suho hyung walking beside Yumii so that the crowd of girls below won't see her. After reaching at the upper deck, we sat at the second row of seats and I sat beside her, still holding her hand. All the members saw this and face me.

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