Melody 4 ~ The Meeting(Part 1)

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(Jung Im's POV)

" What! My marriage is being arranged by my parents?! What's more, i know nothing of this princess whom was being rumored as a clutz! This is unacceptable! I reject to this marriage!" I shouted at Silvan.

"Your highness.. I'm sorry to say but this is the final decision of his and her highness. You can't object their decision." Silvan said to me in a worried face. " By the way your Highness... You are to meet Princess Kim Ailee and her family tomorrow at her palace to discuss about the marriage. This is an order from her highness." Silvan added.

" Sigh.. I just hope she really is not a clutz just like the rumours.." I said in a tired voice.

The time passes faster than I thought it would be and morning came. I somehow felt restless and wanted to continue my sleep but I knew that even if I went to sleep, I will not sleep peacefully until I meet Princess Kim Ailee. There's this feeling inside of me wishing that she would not turn out to be how the rumors had described her to be eventhough I didn't agree to this arranged marriage at all.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to get ready." Silvan interrupted my thoughts.

"Are we really going to visit Princess Kim today? Can't we meet her some other days?" I asked Silvan as I make my way to the bathroom.

" Yes, your Highness. And today is the only day Princess Kim is free from her duties. Anyway, you need to hurry up, your Highness. The meeting is at 12 noon and now is already 11am and you have not even bath or even had your breakfast yet.." Silvan sigh while reminding me to hurry.

After 45 minutes, I was ready to make my way to meet Princess Kim Ailee. At that moment, all I was thinking about is to make Princess Kim liked me. I didn't know why I was thinking that way but all I know is that I want to make a good impression of myself so that she will like me..

(Kim Ailee's POV)

I was wearing a light blue traditional hanbok and was waiting inside the guest room for my fiance. My palms are sweaty and I was dripping with cold sweats. I was very nervous that I could die. Inside my mind, I was asking myself if he would like me, if he would accept me or if he would reject and dislike me. This questions had been running around my head all morning and I don't seem to calm down.

"Still can't calm yourself down?" So Hyun hyung ask me as he open the door.

"Nope,  I still can't. Hyung, do you have any tips to calm your nerves down? The more I think about it, the more I feel uneasy. What will I do if he hates me? What will happen to me then?" I said.

"It's all going to be ok.. I hear that he is a cold and stubborn guy but I think he will like you.. Trust in me ok?"

Hearing So Hyun hyung's words made me calm down and right at that moment the guest room door swung open. I just can't believe my eyes at who was standing at the door. He was so handsome and the air around him seems so mysterious. He is like a fallen angel. I can't believe that this guy is going to be my husband....

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