Melody 25 ~ My Decision

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(Yumii's POV)

I was on my way to my room with D.O sunbae. Apparently, D.O sunbae has something to talk to me about. I wonder what is it that he needed to talk to me about? Just as I was asking myself that, he suddenly spoke up.

(D.O)"Erm.. Yumii.. Can I ask you something?" He ask and I stop walking and turn to face him.

(Yumii)"Sure.. What is it that you need to ask me about?"

(D.O)"I want to know whether you already have the answer.. You know.. Towards our 'question'?.." He ask while blushing deep red. I just chuckled softly.

(Yumii)"Haizz.. I guess it's time huh.. For me to make my decision.. What to do? What to do?" I said and continue walking. D.O sunbae just followed behind me quietly. We then reached my dorm and I open the door to let D.O sunbae enter. As we enter, it seems like D.O sunbae is somewhat nervous because I can see him sweating eventhough it was cold inside my room. I then turned and face him.

(Yumii)"Sunbae.. What would you like to eat? I'm going to cook dinner.. Afterwards, maybe... I'll start deciding.." I said and gave him a smile.

(D.O)"Anything will do.. I'm not a picky eater.." He said and returned me with a smile. I just nodded my head as I made my way to the kitchen to make both of us dinner. After 25 minutes in the kitchen, I have finish cooking and bought out the dish to the dining table.

(Yumii)"Sunbae.. Dinner is ready! Is Kim..." Just when I was about to finish my sentence, I stopped myself as I saw D.O sunbae sleeping soundly at the sofa.

I guess he accidently fall asleep while waiting for dinner to be ready. I then made my way to him and took a blanket from my cabinet to cover him up. "I guess you're tired huh after all the things that happen today.. But I want to know.. What is so special about me that all of you guys see in me? Why from thousands of girls out there, I'm the one you guys have fallen in Love with? But after all of this asking, I've already have the answer with me since long ago.. I can't choose anyone of you.. I'm not single.. I'm taken.. I already have a fiance whom I Love dearly.. I just.. I just can't forget Jung Im oppa.. I just can't leave him.. Eventhough I know he will not Love me back and will never be able to give me a perfect loving relationship like how you sunbaes can, I still Love him and I guess, I always will.. I'm sorry.. I really am.. I just hope you guys can understand.." I said softly while looking at D.O sunbae peaceful sleeping face before standing up and giving him a peck at his cheek. I then stood up and ate my Kimchi Spaghetti that I made and put D.O sunbae's in the oven, in case he woke up later on while I'm sleeping...


I was kind of nervous waiting for Yumii to prepare dinner that I kind of dozed off to sleep because of the hectic day I had. I was in the middle of a sweet dream when I felt something covering me, making me feel warm and cozy. Because of it, I woke up only to hear Yumii talking to me?! Does she knows that I'm asleep? It's as if she was talking to herself.. What a weird girl.. But wait.. What's this? Is she looking down on herself? I suddenly became more serious into what she is talking about.

(Yumii)" But I want to know.. What is so special about me that all of you guys see in me? Why from thousands of girls out there, I'm the one you guys have fallen in Love with? But after all of this asking, I've already have the answer with me since long ago.. I can't choose anyone of you.. I'm not single.. I'm taken.. I already have a fiance whom I Love dearly.. I just.. I just can't forget Jung Im oppa.. I just can't leave him.. Eventhough I know he will not Love me back and will never be able to give me a perfect loving relationship like how you sunbaes can, I still Love him and I guess, I always will.. I'm sorry.. I really am.. I just hope you guys can understand.." She said softly before suddenly giving me a peck at my cheek.

I didn't know what to feel. I don't know whether I should be happy or hurt. She lied to us.. All along, she was taken but she didn't tell us about it.. And what's more, the person who got her heart is the royal prince.. That makes her the missing princess! She lied to us and even pretend to be all innocent! Why? Why must you lie to us, Yumii? Or should I even say, Princess Kim Ailee? Why are you even here? What's the point of being here anyway? Now, what should I do? I think the best thing to do now, is keep this to myself. If not, it will only cause Yumii more trouble and I don't even know her reason for being here.. So for now, I'll save you..

After 5 minutes of keeping still, I heard Yumii switch off the light and heard her footsteps walking towards her bed. I then slowly woke up from the sofa and tiptoe my way to the kitchen to get something to drink as I was nervous and my throat is dry. Just when I was about to open the refrigerator, someone tap my shoulder making me flinch and I shiver. I then turned around slowly to see a girl with no eyes and a long white dress and has a long hair. Shocked, my eyes rounded in fear and was sweating cold sweat. I wanted to run but my leg wouldn't let me to and I decided to close my eyes wishing it was dream. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to me.

(Someone)"Sunbae.. Sunbae.. Can you hear me? Sunbae.." Someone called out to me and I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. I then open my eyes to see Yumii inches away from my face looking worried while slapping my cheek. I straight away sat up from the sofa only to found Yumii's lips to mine. Feeling stupid and awkward, I further myself from her while looking the other side.

(Yumii)"Sunbae.. Are you ok? You've been shivering and your breathing stop for a moment there.. What happen?" She ask, not minding that I had just accidentally kissed her.

(D.O)"It's nothing.. It was just a scary dream.. There's nothing to worry about." I said to her while trying my best to give her a sincere smile. Then she suddenly took my hand and hold it tight.

(Yumii)"Thank god.. I thought you had an illness or something.. Please.. Next time, don't worry me like that.. I don't want to loss you.." She said and suddenly hug me. I blush slightly but remembering that she lied to us, I push her away and she look shock.

(D.O)"Don't touch me! You're a liar! You lied to us and you still act all innocent! Don't you ever get near me! I'm so disappointed with you! I can't believe I fall in love with a women like you! You are no where near pure and innocent like I thought you would be! Now, you're nothing to me! All of the things that once happen between us, is gone! I'm gonna treat as if I've never met you!" I said and ran out of her dorm without even letting her answer. I know that if I were to look at her, I would soften and even forgive her but she's done too much.. Too much to forgive her easily.. I know that she should be the one deciding but this time, it will be my decision...

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