Melody 9 ~ By Coincidence

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It was 8 in the morning and the sky was as clear as crystal.  I somehow managed to wake up before my alarm rang and was getting ready to go to SSA. I was deciding what to wear when suddenly there was a knock at my door. I was shock at first but then regain my senses and look through the peep hole. I saw Eung Gie at the other side of the door and was smiling from ear to ear. I then open the door for her to come in.

"Ailee, today let's go to the salon and then go shopping!!" That was the first thing she said when she stepped in my room. She was sitting at the chair and looking at me with shining eyes.

"Ok! But let me get dressed first..." I told Eung Gie and she jump out of the chair and hugged me.

"Yay!! Thanks Ailee!! You're a great friend!!" She shouted happily while hugging me. Because she was asking me to hurry up, I wore white jeans and light blue top with grey boots. I then took my handbag and both Eung Gie and me when out shopping.

1 hour later, both our arms are full of shopping bags. I had bought 3 baggy leggings, 2 dresses, 3 pair of shoes, 5 tops and a bag worth of accessories. You may think that my shopping is worse but Eung Gie's is much more worse then mine. She had bought 2 overalls, 4 pairs of shoes, 4 leggings, 4 dresses, 7 tops and 2 bags worth of accessories and all of this shopping is being paid by me. After we had finish our shopping, we went to the salon to do our hair.

"Hi! Welcome to our salon! How may I style your hair today?!" The hairstylist greeted us.

" I would like a light perm from the middle part of my hair till the end and I would like to highlight it blonde, please.." I said to the hairstylist. Then she showed me to a chair and I sat on it. As for Eung Gie, she asked for her hair to be dyed chestnut brown and cut her hair to bob style and curl her hair till fluffy. After half an hour at the salon, our hair had been done perfectly. I looked at my watch and my eyes almost pop out.

"Eung Gie! Hurry up! We only have half and hour left to reach there!" I shouted at her while pulling her in the cab that I just had hail. We went to my hostel to put down all our shopping stuff and quickly get changed. Then we rush our way to SSA. Inside the cab, Eung Gie was touching up her makeup.

"Eung Gie, why are you touching up for? You look beautiful as it is.." I said to her confusingly.

"Ya, I know.. But 'MY' Baekhyun is schooling there and I might bump into him!" She shriek. Right after that conversation, we reach at SSA just in time before the director made his speech. We managed to find a seat but we were far apart; but we still sat down and the director began his speech.

(Director) " Good Morning to all! Thank you for coming today and taking your time off of your busy schedule. Before I start this briefing, may I know how many here are first year?"

Me and around 13 other's raised their hand. The director had counted the number of hand raised and smiled.

(Director) "Well, we have quite a batch this year.. But nonetheless,  Welcome to Seoul School of the Arts! Where we turn dreams to reality and making you all a renowned worldwide idols! That's our motto!" All the people had clapped. " Here, we have 3 class per level. Advanced, Intermediate and Standard class. You will be group by your talents and experiences and will be assigned a class using those criteria. Each class will have maximum 7 students and minimum 2 students per class. Each class have different amount of activities and subject, but you all will start your lesson as early as 8am and will end the latest by 10pm. Because of that, you all will be assigned a dorm of your own and it will be your's for the whole 3 years that you are studying here. You need to move all your belongings by today as you will start your classes tommorrow. Also, today you all will get a set of school uniform and shoes to complete it. You all will need to wear the uniform only during schools official formal event. Other then those days, you are free to wear anything as long you don't wear only your undies to class.." He joked and all the people at the hall laughs. "That is all that I have to say for now.. Now you guys will be split into your classes.. Wish you guys all the best and hope you guys will work hard to being an idol!!" He cheered and all of us clapped loudly and cheered back.

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