Melody 15 ~ Sleep Over

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(Xiumin's POV)

After Yumii's sister had pass out on us, we had to wait for about half and hour before her sister regain her consciousness.

(Yumii's Sister) "Argh... Where am I?"

(Yumii) "Eung Gie ah... Are you all right? You are now at the dance studio.. Don't you remember? You fainted because you were shocked that my trainers are EXO sunbaes..." Yumii said and her sister immediately sat upright at the sofa. Her reaction was priceless. It seems she still can't believe the fact that me and my members are in front of her eyes. Seeing how she reacted, Yumii told her the whole story of how she met us and us being her trainer. She then blink and rub her eyes almost ten times before she suddenly blush.

(Eung Gie)"Heol! I can't believe that your trainers are EXO! So lucky! My trainers are all professionals and they are not even good looking.."

(Yumii) "It's ok.. At least they are professionals right? That way, you can be an idol quickly.. Anyway, what's your room no.?" Yumii ask her and she grab her handbag to take out a keycard.

(Eung Gie) "My room no. is '044'..So that means my room is at level 4.. What's yours?" Her sister ask and somehow all of us are interested to know.

(Yumii)"Oh.. Too bad.. My room is at level 6.. Room no. '068'.. Why are our room so far away.."Hearing that her room is at the same level as us, all of us seemed pleased with the news. But Kai and Sehun are more pleased about the news as they are basically neighbours with her. And somehow Luhan and Baekhyun is not happy with it..

(Eung Gie)"Then how about a sleep over? After we bring our things in, we can have a sleep over.. Us only.. How about it?"

(Yumii) "Sure! That sounds like fun!" They were happily chatting about what they are going to do later when, Baekhyun interrupted them.

(Baekhyun)"Urm... Can we join in too? We want to get to know you girls a little more closer.." He said and all of us blush. Sh**.. Why did Baekhyun even involve us in this..

(Eung Gie)"Baekhyun Oppa also want to join?! Sure then! The more, the merrier right?! If all of the EXO Oppa also wants to joins in, why not! This is going to be fun!"She shriek and hug Yumii tightly. Her answer shocked me. How can she be so light minded about this? It's an sleepover, for goodness sake. How can she allow guys to overnight in her room?! I just so hope that nothing crazy will happen during the sleepover...

(Yumii's POV)

Oh god! How can Eung Gie let EXO sunbaes join our sleepover just because Hyunnie sunbae ask if he can join? And why in the world is she calling EXO sunbaes, 'Oppa'? How many guys does she really likes? I thought she is head over heels, in love with So Hyun hyung? Argh! Who cares! But the problem is, now, I won't have a chance to tell Eung Gie my problem about Jung Im Oppa. What am I going to do? I really hope that she does not do anything more stupid then this..

(Eung Gie)"Yumii ah... Let go now then.. It's already 12.45pm.. If we go any later, we will finish late and the sleepover will be cancelled.."She said while pouting.

(Yumii)"Sure then.. But I don't have lots of stuff, like yours remember? So I will eventually finish bringing my stuff with only one trip.. Do you need me to help you with your stuff, after I finish with mine?"

(Eung Gie)"Ok then.. So, Oppa...We need to leave already.. We have stuff to move.."

(Suho) "Oh ya.. You guys need to move all your stuff to the dorm by today right? Need any help? We are totally free right now.. You can also finish your job faster that way right?" Suho sunbae suddenly said went me and Eung Gie just stood up to leave. Eung Gie's eyes suddenly became sparkling and a big smile planted on her face.

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