Chapter 22

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"Did he hurt you?"
"Yes," I whispered. I looked down at my hands, still shaking from the airport incident.  The police had been questioning me for over three hours now.
"He-He carved the letter S into my stomach when he first kid napped me," I choked. I barely lifted up my shirt, enough to show the bottom of the S.
"He also murdered my brother. And another man who tried to help me," I whispered.

Shawn's words echoed in my head.
I can't wait to see you again!!
I wiped away a small tear.

"It's ok, sweetheart. We have him in custody, ok?" The officer whispered.

Her name was Betty. She had an old name, but a pretty, young face. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her face was dotted with small freckles. She had deep green eyes with tired bags underneath them. 

I nodded. "I know. I just can't stop thinking about what he said at the airport.."

"Honey, I can assure you that as long as we're around, Shawn Mendes will never escape prison." She smiled and placed her hand on mine.
I have her a weak smile.
"Now, I think you should go and get some rest. We'll get back to this in the morning," Betty murmured softly. I nodded gratefully and headed out of the room.

"Hey, Mason!"
I turned around to another officer.
"Your allowed to deny but... He's requested to see you," he said.
I hesitated.

"Brian!" Betty exclaimed, "do you really think that that's a good idea? I mean honestly, what were-"
I interrupted her by putting my hand up.
"No-it's ok. I want to see him too," I whispered softly. Betty looked at me, surprised.
"Honey, you really don't have to do this-"
"It's ok," I repeated. "Thank you."

I slowly followed Brian around to the Jail cells.
He walked over to Shawn's cell and kicked the bars.
"Hey! You have ten minutes, that's it."
"She's here?" I heard Shawn ask.
"Yes she's here. And you've already wasted a minute and 30 seconds so I would get to talking."
Brian nodded at me before leaving the room. I slowly walked over to the cells.
"Ah, bunny," he said sweetly.
I glared at him. "What?"
"That was smart you know. That whole...episode. I gotta give you credit for that one."
He laughed a bitter laugh.
"I can't wait to go home with you," he whispered softly.
I boldly walked up to his bars.
"There isn't going to be a when, Shawn," I muttered.
He looked at me for a long time before breaking out into a laugh. He broke out into a murderous, evil laugh.
I backed away from the bars and watched him roll around, holding his stomach. My heart pounded against my chest but I stood tall, not wanting to seem weak.

"Don't call me that," I interrupted.
"Don't interrupt me, bunny," he spat.
"When we go home, your gonna be in big trouble baby."
He stared laughing again.
Brian rushed in a pulled me out of the jail.
And when I went to bed, I could still here Shawn's laughter ringing through my ears.

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