Chapter 39

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I had a lot of unease around Shawn lately. I couldn't really look him in the eyes. All I could think of is how I had zero privacy for who knows how long in my life. I could only think of how dangerous Shawn was. If I did want to get away for some reason - he could end me.

I felt trapped. My entire life, I had huge plans. I was going to be a business woman. I was going to open my own hotel. I dreamed about it since I was a little girl. I would own my own hotel, it would be perfect. People would come from everywhere to stay in it - the best of the best would pay top dollar to stay there. I would move to a tiny beach town and surf everyday, and I would travel the world.

I couldn't do any of that now. Well, maybe I could, but- I couldn't do it alone. I felt helpless.

That's why I couldn't look Shawn in the eye. Because no matter how much I loved him - no matter how many butterflies filled my stomach when he looked at me - he was still the man who took my life away from me.

Shawn P.O.V (Yay!! lol)

Something was up with Mason. She seemed- distant. She said a quick hello to me this morning, but she told me she was going to get breakfast and hadn't been back since. There was still a tiny bug gnawing in the back of my head, wondering if she would run away. If she did, it wouldn't be hard to get her back, but still.

I pushed the though away. I trusted her now.

I sighed. She was so fucking confusing. One day she couldn't stop kissing me, the next day she couldn't even look me in the eye.

I tried my hardest for her. I really did. But it never felt like enough. I felt like every time things were looking up, something spiraled us back downwards.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing.

I looked and it was one of my workers, Jayden.

I picked it up. "What's the plan?" I asked.

Jayden worked in the hospital as a doctor, but he was secretly one of my agents. I hadn't seen him because he did have other patients, but with the help of some of our police officers, we would probably be able to get out easily. He was the chief surgeon. He provided us with work in return for extremely good pay and a guarantee of safety for his family.

"Nice to talk to you too. I called a meeting, so most of the medical staff will be distracted, as well as some of the police officers. I stationed two of our officers outside of your room. I'll make sure to get one of the nurses to clear you."

"Won't that be kind of iffy though?" I interrupted. " I'm obviously not really in a state to be moved. I mean, I've definitely gotten better but-"

"It doesn't matter how much it makes sense, the only thing that matters is that we get you out," Jayden said. He was clearly annoyed. Most of the time, I would threaten him for taking that tone with me, but I was too tired. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Alright, Alright. Continue." I grunted.

"So we clear you. The officers will claim they are taking you to the station, but you are really getting in an escape car. Badda Bing, Badda Boom."

I smirked. "Alright, Jayden. When is this happening?"

"In a week. I read your labs. By then you should at least be stable enough to go home and be by yourself. You'll need to follow a few check ups, though."

"Thanks Jayden. I really appreciate it. Expect a generous bonus this month."

I hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

A light rap on the door made me sit up. I already knew it was Mason. The doctors never knocked.

Mason walked in slowly. She acted like she was going to step on a bomb somewhere.

"Come here, darling," I murmured. Mason reluctantly made her way towards me. She crawled onto my bed. I put my arms around her. I leaned down to kiss her, but she just pecked me lightly and looked away. I felt my heart grow heavy.

"Whats, wrong, Mason?" I asked. I could hear the irritation in my voice.

She sighed. "Nothing," She muttered.

"Mason, please. I know that something is wrong."

She rolled her eyes. "Ya, I'm sure you do."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You would know."

"Ya, see. I feel like everything you are saying has a double meaning behind it. Just fucking tell me whats up." I growled.

Mason sighed again. "Fine! I feel so trapped with you!" Mason snapped. I felt my heart drop in my stomach. "You watched me for god knows how long!"

Mason was up now, pacing the room.

"It was only because I loved you-"

"Shut the hell up!" Mason growled. She pointed one finger at me. "You do not get to tell me that you deserve forgiveness because of your own selfish, pitiful reasons."

I sighed. I felt terrible, I really did. But it seemed like we always came reeling back to this problem.

"And who knows what you were watching me do all those years. I couldn't know if you were watching me sleep or-"

"Mason," I interrupted. "I can understand your confusion. But you do really think I'm so insane that I would watch you sleep?"

Mason shrugged. She was looking at her feet now. "How would I know?"

"You are being ridiculous," I snapped.

Mason gave me a desperate look. All the fight was out of her eyes, and now she just looked tired.

"I just think that it's unfair that you know so much about me, yet I feel like I don't know you at all."

My stomach flipped with sadness. But things were just getting better between us. If I told her my job, what I did - I couldn't be sure that she wouldn't leave me.
"I'm sorry, Mason. I really am."

Mason looked at me, all the anger back in her eyes, seething.

"No you aren't," She spat. "Because if you were really sorry, then you would stop apologizing and just do something about it."

Mason turned around and stormed out of the room.

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