Chapter 25

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Shawn P.O.V

I watched Betty pull Mason away and wiped the spit from my eye. I loved Mason. I knew she didn't love me back, I could see it in her eyes, but I knew that she was lonely. I knew that she needed someone, and I hoped that if I could comfort her she would eventually learn to love me too. What she felt in the hotel wasn't Love, but it was the first step to it.

And I had ruined that chance.

I sighed and slumped onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling. Any minute now, someone would come in and release me. Then I would go get Mason.

As if she was reading my thoughts, Betty strolled into the room.

"Hey baby," she murmured. I smiled and strolled over to the bars. I reached through and our lips brushed briefly. I tried hard not to cringe at the contact.
Betty had been wanting to get with me for awhile now, she was part of our gang and just played as a cop so she could keep our records and stuff away from the police. I knew that if I made her think that I wanted her, she would let me out.
Hey, a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do. But this was for Mason. Every time I kissed Betty, I pretended it was Mason.
It didn't help much.
So far, Betty believed that I loved her and only her. She thought that I only wanted out so I could kill Mason, and we would run away together and be together forever. That obviously wasn't true.

"Is the coast clear?" I asked, breaking away our contact. She nodded.
"Come here, baby, I've missed you all day," she whispered, reaching her arms through the bars.
I cringed on the inside. For mason, I reminded myself.
I grabbed her hands and entwined them with mine. I smiled weakly.
"I missed you too. I can't wait to kiss you properly when I get out of this god forsaken place," I lied. She smiled.
"I'm so glad we're finally together, Shawn," she murmured.
"Me too."
I felt a twinge of guilt, but I needed to get to Mason. In any way possible.

"Ok, well are you going to let me out so I can kiss you?" I asked. Betty giggled and turned the key and let me out.
"Thanks," I said sweetly. I stepped out of the cell quickly, relieved to finally be free.
"Come here, baby," Betty whispered, wrapping her arms around my waist.
I mentally rolled my eyes. This girl wouldn't quit. I brushed Betty's hair away from her eyes and kissed her softly, making a moan erupt from her.
It took everything inside of me not to throw up.
"Alright, darling. Let's get you out of here," she murmured. She turned me around and snapped the handcuffs in place around my wrists.
"Follow my lead," she whispered. She shoved me ahead of her into the light of the office.
"Officer Daniels," a low voice said, "What are you doing?"
Betty turned to look at the other officer.
"Chief wants me to do another round of questioning," Betty lied. The officer nodded.
"Let me Help you escort him."
The other officer walked beside us, his hand resting on his gun.
Betty started to walk us down a dark hall toward the back door.
"Wait, this isn't the-"
The officer was silenced quickly by Betty with a hard smack to his head.
"Alright, I have the car parked in the back. Let's hurry before someone else finds us," Betty whispered. She unlocked the cuff from my hands and we sprinted silently through the back door.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the feel of outside after so long,
The sleek black car was purring silently outside, waiting for us to climb in.
"Here," Betty murmured. She pressed a gun into my palm. "You'll need it when you kill the bitch."
I felt a surge of anger go through me. No one called my baby a bitch.
Betty walked to the passenger door, about to hop in.
"Betty, wait!" I whispered. She looked at me, confused.
"I'm sorry," I whispered again, "but I love Mason."
I pointed the gun and shot her shoulder, making her gasp in pain and fall to the ground.
I jumped in the car and slammed on the gas.
After watching Mason for such a long time before I...kidnapped- I hated saying the word- her, I knew the way to her house like it was my own. I pulled up into the driveway And parked the car. Masons Prius was sitting motionlessly in the driveway. I smiled.

I was going to get Mason. And this time she wouldn't escape.

I took a deep breath and snuck silently through her driveway. I went up to her door, and felt my way underneath the doormat . I smiled when my hand curled around a silver key.

I unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, making sure not to make a sound. I crept up the stairs.
The light in the bathroom was on, and I heard the sound of a running shower.
I walked up to Mason's room and settled myself in the corner.
And now, I waited.

Mason P.O.V.
I shut off the water in the shower, and sighed deeply. I had another nightmare. It happened the same way every time. You would think that I would be used to it by now, but I woke up sweating every time that I had it.

I dried myself off with my towel and slipped some pajamas on. Normally, I would go on a short drive to put my mind at ease, but after last time I decided that it probably wasn't a good idea.
Even though I tried to ignore it, I couldn't deny the constant fear in the back of my mind that Shawn would come for me.
That's not going to happen, I thought to myself.
But if he did come back for me, would it be so horrible?
I hated him, that was true, but i didn't have anybody left. Both my parents and my only sibling was gone. Was there really any point in staying where no one wanted me, when there was someone out there who wanted me more than anything?
No. I couldn't be that desperate. I wouldn't be.
I covered my face with my hands.
What was wrong with me?
I sighed and hung my towel around the hook. I unlocked the door to the bathroom- even though I was alone, I was so scared about Shawn that I locked every door behind me. I stepped out into the hall and shivered when the cold hit me.
I tiptoed into my room and flicked on the light.
My heart dropped, and a piercing scream launched itself from my throat.
Shawn smiled. "There's no need for that, love."
I stumbled back and ran towards the door, but Shawn was quicker. He slammed the door, one arm on either side of me. I turned around and faced him, his face inches from mine.
I screamed again, and launched my fist at him, but he caught my wrists in mid air and pinned me against the wall.
"I missed you Mason," he whispered. His brown eyes were surprisingly soft.
Closed my eyes and shook my head.
"Get away from me," I growled. I struggled against his grip, but he was much stronger than I was.
"Now, now. Don't pretend your not happy to see me," he murmured, his voice rough.
"I'm not happy to see you!" I shouted at him. "Let me go!"
He laughed. "Not a chance."
Shawn leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my throat.
I whimpered and tried to struggle against him.
I brought my knee up in a swift motion against his groin, and he groaned with pain, his grip on me loosening. I shoved him away from me with a swift kick to his stomach and opened the door, running down the hall. I sprinted down the stairs, taking them two at a time and ran through my front door.
Shawn was standing in front, leaning against the wall.
How was this happening again?
Shawn pressed me against the wall.
"Oh, Mason," he cooed. "When are you going to learn that you can't run from me?"
He swung his hand in a swift motion against my head and the world went black.

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