Chapter 33

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"You better cut the crap Betty and just tell me where Shawn is," I growled. Betty just laughed and rolled her eyes. She pushed herself up from her chair and walked slowly toward me.
"I'm not scared of a pretty girl like you," she whispered. She continued walking toward me until we were nose to nose. I felt my heart pound, but I refused to look away from her disgusting green eyes. I curled my hands into fists to keep from shaking.
"You are such a stupid, stupid, girl. I thought you would be smarter than this."
"Wha- what do you mean? We had a deal! You said if I came alone you would-"
Betty interrupted me with a laugh, and I suddenly did feel extremely stupid. I was being so reckless.
Betty lifted her knife so it poked into the soft part of my neck.
"You are such an idiot," she whispered. "He's mine now. Don't you understand?"
Betty swung her fist at me and punched me hard in the cheek. I fell to the ground, gasping, holding on to my cheek. Betty kicked me in the gut, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I sputtered on the ground, gasping for air. Betty grabbed a handful of my hair and I screamed as she dragged me downstairs into the basement. She threw me on the ground, and I let out a small squeal.
Shawn's raspy voice made me gasp in relief. I saw him in the corner, tied up, bloodied and beaten.
"Shawn!" I sighed. I scrambled over to him and held his head in my hands.
"Shawn, are you ok?"
I kissed him lightly on the lips.
"Mason, you have to leave before she-"
Shawn was interrupted by Betty grabbing another handful of my hair and throwing me to the side. She punched me again, making pain spread through every inch of my face.
Shawn roared with anger.
A loud click by my ear made me squeal. The cold barrel of a gun was pressed against my head.
"Get up," Betty growled.
I slowly stood up, pain going through every inch of my body.
"Go sit in that chair. Now."

"Mason, don't listen to her-"

"SHUT UP!" Betty screeched. I jumped.
"If I hear another word out of your mouth I'll blow her brains out!" Betty yelled.
I slowly walked over to the chair and sat down. Betty grabbed my wrists and forced them behind my back. She tied them tightly with a rope.

Betty wiped a stripe of sweat from her forehead.
She strode over to Shawn and untied his ropes.
"If you try anything, I will kill her," she murmured.
I felt tears start to stream down my face.
"Now get up," she whispered to Shawn. Shawn looked at her defiantly.
Shawn slowly started to push himself up. His usually strong figure was smaller. He looked beaten and tired. I wanted so bad to hug him and kiss him.
Betty handed Shawn the knife, and he looked at it, confused.
"Now, you cut off that pretty little hand of hers," she whispered.
"No!!" I screeched. "Please, Betty-"
Betty raised the gun and shot a whole in the roof, making me scream.
"Betty, there is no way I'll-"
"Either the hand goes, or she goes!" Betty screamed.
"You are insane-"
Shawn limped over to me. Tears were steadily streaming down his face now too. The knife shook in his hand.
He shakily grabbed my hand in his.
"Please, Shawn," I whispered.
Shawn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He pressed the blade against my wrist.
"Tik tok, buttercup," Betty cooed. I shut my eyes, bearing for the pain.
Shawn turned quickly and thrust the knife toward Betty, but she dodged. She shook her head and clicked her tongue softly.
"Oh Baby. I thought you knew better."
She raised her gun and shot Shawn right in the side.
"No!!" I screeched. I struggled in my bindings to try and get to Shawn. He lay on the floor, holding his side.
I turned towards Betty.
"Please, let me go to him," I begged. "Before you kill me too. Please,"
Betty rolled her eyes. She grabbed the knife from the ground and quickly cut my bindings.
I scrambled over to Shawn, holding my hands on his wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Please, Shawn,"
I whispered. He looked at me with pleading brown eyes.
"Shawn, don't leave me," I sobbed. "Your the last thing I have. I can't take it," I sobbed again. I put my head against his chest.
"You have to hold on," I whispered. "Please, hold on,"
I thought of every time he cradled me in his arms. Every time he wiped my tears away when I cried. Every time he sung me to sleep when my nightmares came and when I felt sick. I thought of the way he looked at me, and how no one had ever looked at me like that. I thought of all the things he said about me. I thought about the way he made me feel, and how I had mistaken my conflicting feelings. How whenever he was gone, all I thought was him. I thought about the fireworks under my skin when he touched or even looked at me.
"Please pull through Shawn," I sobbed.
"You can't leave me. I love you."

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