Chapter 32

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I woke up to a loud phone ringing. I reached for Shawn. My fingers found nothing but the bed sheets.
No answer.
The phone continued to ring. I felt my palms grow sweaty with nervousness. I fumbled around, and Shawn's phone was lying on the floor. I grabbed it and answered it.
A familiar laugh made my heart drop into my stomach.
"I have him here," She cackled.
"Betty? Where's Shawn?"
"I have him here, tied up. And he's all mine. You'll never get him back. I'm punishing him for being a bad little boy."
Her evil, ugly laugh echoed into the phone. I felt anger weave through every inch of me.
"Listen, you stupid bitch. You better get him back to me within the next 24 hours or I will find you, and I will kill you. Do you understand?"
I heard Betty cackle even louder.
"You have to find him first," she murmured. "And you better come quick. I don't know if he'll even last 24 hours."
"What do you mean?" I felt tears brimming my eyes.
"Mason..." I heard Shawn murmur in the background. I heard a loud crash, and I heard Shawn cry out I pain.
"Come quickly, darling!" Betty's cheerful voice rang through the cell and she quickly hung up. I screamed and frantically tried to call the number back, but every time it said that the number was non existent. I screamed in frustration.
I was so worried for Shawn that I wanted to cry. Things between us had been weird for the past couple days, and if the last time I saw him was when we were fighting...
I shook the thought away. I would find Shawn, and I would kill that crazy bitch.
About an hour later, Jason was knocking on the front door. He had four other guys behind him.
I wanted to cry with relief when I saw him. I had called him in a panic earlier, telling him what happened to Shawn.
"Hey, it's ok, mason." Jason pulled me into a quick hug.
"Alright. Let's find away to get Shawn back."
Jason nodded. "By the way, this is Rich, Nick, John, and Don. They will help us bring Betty down."
We said brief hellos and went into the living room. Jason pulled out his computer.
"Luckily, we inserted a tracker into Betty before she escaped. I just have to enter this password and it will show us her location."
I let out a sigh of relief. Jason entered a password and a red blinking light on a map popped up.
"What? What is Betty doing back in town?" Jason asked, confused.
"I'm not sure. But she has Shawn, so it doesn't matter where she is, just as long as we can get to her."
Jason frowned. "Ya... I guess."
I sighed. "Jason, this is not the time for hesitation. We need to find Shawn now. Who knows what she'll do to him."
He nodded, but didn't say anything.
"Is there any way that we could get a little more detailed on her location? Like what house she's in?"
Jason nodded. "It might take a little time, but yes. I'll see what I can do."
I felt Shawn's phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out a looked down, confused.
An unknown number was calling me.
"Hey, uh... I'm going to run to the bathroom. I'll be right back," I muttered. I rushed down the hall and answered the phone.
"You better hurry, sweet pea, the clock is ticking."
I cringed at Betty's voice.
"I swear if you do anything to hurt him-"
"What? What will you do?"
I didn't answer.
"Your family looks like it was so beautiful," Betty murmured.
"What? What are you talking about? How do you know who my family is?"
Betty chuckled. "Wow, your brother was a cute one. Too bad he isn't still alive."
I blinked back tears. "Are you in my house?!"
I heard Betty cackle once more.
"And circle gets the square."
I felt anger boil in every inch of me. "Listen, when we find you-"
"There will be no 'we' Mason. Come here alone. No weapons, no tricks. Or else your pretty boy is going to get it."
"Betty, if you think I'm coming there alone-"
I heard a loud crack and Shawn screamed from the background.
"Mason, don't do it! She's-" another loud scream from Shawn rang from the back.
"Shawn!" I shouted. Tears were running down my cheeks in a steady stream now.
"What are you doing to him?!"
"Come tonight by twelve or else you won't hear from him again. And if you have any tricks up your sleeve, I'll tie you up and you can't watch me slit his throat myself."
With a click, Betty was gone.
I fell to the ground, sobbing. How could this happen? Shawn was the only thing I had left. If he was gone too...
I didn't even want to think about it.
I pushed myself up and ran out of the bathroom.
All five guys turned and looked at me. "Betty just called me. She's in the motel 6 towards the end of town," I lied.
Jason looked at me, skeptical. "I was just about to crack this code- it looks like she's towards the west side of town. The motel 6 is way on the south."

"Seriously, Jason? Do you believe some stupid ass tracker or a real live word?"

Jason wasn't moved. "Why would Betty just all of a sudden tell you where she is? Don't you think it's some sort of trick? That just doesn't make sense."
I felt panic in my chest. Jason was seeing right through my lie.
"Look, Jason. We don't have time to speculate. We don't have time to see if this is true or not."
Jason didn't look convinced, but he shut his computer, and the rest of the boys followed us into the car.
The drive to town was about an hour, and I was anxious the entire ride. How would I get to my house alone? What if I ran out of time? How would I get Jason and the guys off my back? I knew they wouldn't leave me alone even if I begged and cried.
"Hey, we're low on gas. I'm gonna stop at the gas station on the way."
I was sweating. I couldn't stop thinking of all the things she could be doing to Shawn while we were sitting here and dilly dallying.
"Hey, you ok?" Jason asked.
"Seriously, Jason? Am I ok? My boyfriend just got kidnapped and is probably being tortured right now by a psycho bitch, and you're asking me if I'm OK?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Listen, we will find Shawn and get him back. Don't worry."
Jason pulled into the gas station. "I'll try to make it quick." Jason got out of the car and left the keys on the seat. This was the perfect opportunity.
"Hey, uh- guys?" I turned around to the other four men in the back.
"Could you go get me some refreshments? I'm parched."
The guys all exchanged glances.
"Pretty please?"
"Uh- sure," one said. "Come in guys, let's go."
They all filed out one by one. When they slammed the door, I pressed the lock button. I jumped into the drivers seat, grabbed the keys, and started the car. I pressed on the gas and watched Jason and the guys yell in the parking lot. I raced out of the gas station and headed toward my house.
It was currently 10:42 pm. I started to panic.
Don't worry. You'll get there on time.
The gas tank was almost on empty. I still had 30 minutes until we got into town.
I continued to speed until I saw the lights of town in the distance.
"Yes!" I screAmed. I had to get Shawn back! I was so close!
The car sputtered and slowed down. It came to a complete stop.
Of course.
I was out of gas.
"FUCK!" I screeched.
I banged on the steering wheels with my fists.
It was 11:25. I was running out of time!
I got out of the car and started running towards town. I had to save Shawn.
Bright lights slowed my running down, and an old man in a large red truck pulled over.
"Hey there pretty lady! Need a ride?"
I felt a chill creep through every inch of me. I couldn't walk the rest of the way. I had to get to Shawn before t was too late. Who knew what she was doing to him.
"Yes please, sir."
He nodded and I reluctantly opened the door. I climbed in and tried not to look him in the eye. I could feel his beady, ugly eyes looking over every inch of me. I wished that Shawn was here so badly I wanted to die. He never made me feel like this when he looked at me.
"Uh- could you take me to Scarborough lane, please?"
"I sure can," he cackled. He smelled strongly of tobacco and something sour. He put the car in drive and continued down the road.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing so late down here?"
I shivered. Oh god.
"My car broke down. I had to walk the rest of the way."
"I see."
We rode the rest of the way into town in silence, which I was thankful for. I was beginning to think he wasn't bad until he missed the turn to my house. It was 11:37. I didn't have time for this.
"You missed the turn for-"
"Baby doll, I'm not taking you to Scarborough. You're coming back to my place to thank me for bringing you to town.
And then he placed his grimy, crusty hand on my thighs. He drug  his hand slowly up until it touched my breast. I screamed. I punched him as hard as I could in the cheek, and the car went whirling. He lay on the steering wheel, passed out. I pulled the e break and the truck lurched to a stop. I opened his door and shoved him out. I got in the drivers seat and turned the car around, driving as fast as I could to My house.

I finally recognized my house. It seemed lonely compared to all the beautiful houses filled with perfect families. I ran up to my house and burst through the door.
Betty sat in the middle of the room, holding a knife covered in blood.
"Where's Shawn?"
I screamed. Betty smiled.
"Well hello to you too."

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