Chapter 26

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I wake up drenched in sweat. My throat feels dry, and the air is so humid and warm its suffocating me. I have to try so hard to open my eyes that it feels like they are stuck together with glue.

When I do manage to open my eyes, a bright light bores into my eyes, making me gasp in pain. It takes about 30 seconds for my eyes so fully focus. I look around me, but the room is pure white. I'm sitting in a small white chair, with my arms and feet bound tightly around it. I feel a wave of panic and struggle against the bindings. A searing pain shoots through my head and all the way down my body.  I gasp in pain and bite my lip to keep from crying out.

"Good Morning, Mason."


"What are you doing to me?" I growl. My voice is softer than a whisper. "How long have I been like this?"

Shawn walks around to stand in front of me so I can see him. "You've been out about a day and a half. I was starting to get worried."

I glared at him, still squinting against the bright lights. "You don't care about me," I spat.

Shawn frowns. "Of course I do, bunny. That's why I have to punish you like this. So you won't try to leave me again."

I look away from him in disgust. "You're insane."

"Maybe. But love can make people do insane things." He looks at me sympathetically. He walks over to me kisses me softly on the forehead.

"Just one more day, baby. Then I can have you all to myself again," He whispers.

"Shawn you can't leave me like this," I say. I feel my heart starting to pound with panic.

"I'm being kind. You caused that whole scene and put me in jail. I could do much worse things to you, Mason. You should be thanking me!" Shawn shouts, exasperated.

"Thanking you? Are you kidding me? Shawn you ruined my life!! To even say that I should be thanking you is crazy! You are a psychopath!!" I scream. I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck.

Shawn just shakes his head and walks behind me. I hear a door unlock and open.

"Shawn? Shawn, don't you dare leave me! Shawn, you can't lock me in here!" I shout. I struggle against the bindings and ignore the horrible pain that it brings through my arms and ankles. I hear the door close, and I know that Shawn is gone.

"Please," I whisper. I let my head fall in defeat.  I look at my shoes and feel the tears fall.

Shawn P.O.V
I clench my hands together to keep my self from rushing back in through the door and smacking mason until she pleads for mercy. How could she be so ungrateful? We were meant to be together. Why did she understand that?
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, immediately regretting that I even thought about hurting Mason.
I felt sick to my stomach, seeing her tried to that chair. Her face was pale, her eyes were barely able to open against the light. Her voice was weak and scratchy. But I had to show her that there were consequences to her actions. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, but it had to be done.
I sighed and rubbed my fingers against my temples. I walked into my office and dialed a number on the phone.
I smiled when I heard Mike, the co leader of our gang.
"Hey, I was just calling to check in on Betty," I said. I honestly felt horrible for shooting her.
"She got the bullet removed, and she's in stable condition. She lost a lot of blood though,"Mike said.
"I'm glad she's okay. How are our numbers doing?" I asked. I hadn't been updated yet since I was in jail.
"Steady as usual. North side gang hasn't gotten us our haul of drugs yet though."
"The one that's going to our biggest client? Mr. Price?"
"That's the one."
"Mike, that's going to be a problem. You know how powerful Mr.Price is. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I growled, annoyed.
"I-I'm sorry, I just-"
"You take care of this, Mike. If I have to come down there to fix this it isn't going to be good for anyone."
I hung up and resisted throwing my phone across the wall.
My frustrated thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream from Mason's cell.  I rushed in and opened the door.
"Mason? What's going on?"
Mason ignored my calls and screamed over my voice. She thrashed against her bindings, her chair about to tip over. I winced when I saw how raw the bindings around her wrists made her skin.
I shook my head and forced myself to walk back out of the room.

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