Chapter 7

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"Please, Please,Please! Do another song!" I begged Shawn. I didn't want to admit it, but he was really good, and I wanted to hear more.

"I'll only do another one if you give me a kiss," Shawn said. I crinkled my nose, and Shawn raised his eyebrows. "That's what I thought." He set down his guitar and scooted next to me on the couch. He put his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Go get on something fancy, baby." He murmured.


"Because, since I still feel bad about shooting that guy in the head...i decided to take you out tonight." He said. I looked at him confused.

"I tried to run from you yesterday and your taking me out for dinner?" I asked.

He looked at me and sighed. "I know you hate me, kitten, but I'm not as bad of a guy as you think I am." He wrapped both of his arms around me and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you." He reminded me.

"Ok." I replied awkwardly. He looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

"You'll say those words back to me one day." He said confidently. I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't hold your breath."

Shawn huffed at me and gently pushed me off his lap. "Go get ready," he muttered. He shoved past me and stormed into the kitchen.
Well,ok then, I thought. I walked up to his room and searched through the bag of clothes that we bought yesterday. I pulled out a short, cobalt blue dress that went to just above my knees. I put the dress and some black high heels on. I pulled my hair back into a nice half up half down position. I opened the door and started slowly making my way down the stairs.
"Damn these heels," I cursed under my breath. On the third to last stair, my ankle rolled. I screamed as I flew down the stairs. I braced myself for the impact of floor. Instead, I fell into something firm and reassuring. I looked up and saw Shawn's face just inches from mine. My hands rested on his chest, and his arms were wrapped around my waist. Shawn smiled crookedly.
"Careful there, blossom. Don't want you breaking any bones, do we?" He asked humorously. I pushed off of his chest and straightened myself out.
"Nope. That would make things much harder when I escaped from you."
Shawn narrowed his eyes. "Not funny."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go."

Shawn's P.O.V. (Yay!)
              I watched Mason in the car, staring out the window. She didn't know how much I loved her, and I had to believe that she would love me back, no matter how stubborn she was. I know that there was a connection between us when I sang my song. Her eyes softened, and it looked like she was seeing me as a different person. But I can never be sure, because her eyes never reveal anything. She didn't know it, but I wrote that song about her.
                I reached over and grabbed her hand in mine. I smiled at her, and she just narrowed her eyes and glared at me.I let go of her hand and stared back at the road. She would never know how truly, truly, sorry I was. I didn't want to kill her brother. Or that man from Target. She saw me as a selfish jerk, and I didn't want to be that to her. But love makes you selfish.
                "Here we are, baby." I said. She began to open the door, but I was quick and grabbed her on the wrist. "Wait for me to open the door for you." I warned her. She widened her eyes and looked at me with disbelief.
"Are you SERIOUS? I can't get out of the car by myself?" She asked. I gave her a hard stare, and she sighed. "Fine, whatever. Open the door for me."
           I got out of my Jeep Wrangler and ran over to open the door for her. When she got out, I wrapped my arm around her waist and tightened my grip around her. She shot me another glare before we walked into the restaurant.
                    The waiter at the front gave Mason a long look up and down. He smiled at her before turning and looking at me. I gave him a hard, cold, stare. His confident stare soon turned uneasy.
"H-How can I help sir?" He stuttered. I gave him a cocky smile.
"Reservation for Jordan, please." Mason looked at me, confused, but I looked at her, warning her not to say anything. She kept her mouth shut, and I silently thanked her as we followed the waiter to our table. I gestured her to sit in the corner so I could sit on the same side as her.
"What are you going to order, bunny?" I asked her. "You can order whatever you want." I added. She rolled her eyes. The waitress came by and smiled at us. She was young and pretty, but not as pretty as Mason.
"What would you two like tonight?" She asked us.
"I'll take the steak with the side salad please," Mason ordered politely. The waitress nodded before turning to me.
"And what for you?" She bit her lip and batted her eyes, trying way to hard to impress me. I just raised an eyebrow and gave her my menu.
"The same please." She nodded and batted her eyelashes again before turning around and leaving.
I turned toward Mason, who was frowning and staring and the table.
"What's wrong, baby?" I asked, putting my arm around her.
"Nothing!" She snapped. When I flinched, she sighed. "Nothing, I'm fine." She murmured, her voice softer now.
"Please, button, try to have a good time. I told you I'm sorry a million times." I begged.
"I'm sorry, Shawn. I feel really sick right now. Can I please go to the bathroom?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You know that if you try to escape, I will find you. And there will be punishments." I growled. She just nodded and held her stomach.
"Oh my god- I think I'm going to be sick!" She groaned. She scrambled over me and ran to the bathroom. I quickly followed her and waited outside.
"Oh, button! Are you ok?!" I yelled through the door. I couldn't hear any puking, so I got suspicious.
"Mason, open this door now before I kick it open," I murmured through the door. When she didn't answer, I got angry and kicked the door as hard as I could. It slammed open, and inside, there was no Mason. Just an open window and a note on the floor.

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