Chapter 28

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Shawn and I rode back home in a comfortable silence. Shawn hummed a soft tune and rested his hand on my knee, and I watched the trees pass by the car.
When we got to the mansion, Shawn practically kicked open the door.
"After you," he said politely. I smiled shyly and stepped into the mansion. Shawn closed the door and locked it behind him.
The silence lingered for less a second.
Shawn growled and pushed me against the wall, kissing down my neck. His hands trailed down my arms and rested on my hips. He kissed back up my neck, kissed my jaw before finally coming to my lips, the sweet taste and scent of him engulfing me. Every kiss left a shock of electricity through me. I ran my hands up his back, tracing his hard muscles underneath his shirt with my fingers. I ran my hands through his hair and tugged softly at his curls, making a throaty groan erupt from him. The sound sent more shivers through me.
Shawn ran his hands beneath my thighs and lifted me up so he was carrying me on his hips. He walked through the kitchen and laid us down onto the couch.
Our lips moved in sync, like they were made to fit together. Shawn was on top of me, and he ran his hands slowly and softly up my thighs and under the hem of my shirt, making me sigh with pleasure against his lips.
Nothing could interrupt us, nothing could stop this, we were perfect, moving our lips together...
Shawn's ring tone buzzed loudly in his pocket, vibrating against our legs.
Shawn ignored it, but I softly pulled away from him, laughing when he let out a groan of protest.
"Shawn, answer the phone," I panted, trying to catch my breath.
"UGH. Fine!" He groaned. He yanked the phone out of his pocket.
"Damnit Mike, this better be important!" He shouted into the phone. 
His brow furrowed and his eyes clouded with worry.
"Ok. Thanks for telling me. Ya, I'll make sure to keep the doors locked. Ok. Ok. OK MIKE. BYE." Shawn hung up impatiently and tossed his phone on the ground.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I guess Betty is really angry about me shooting her, and she's trying to find you so she can get revenge."
"Wait, the cop? Why?"
"Well, Betty is actually part of our gang. I had to act like I loved her and hated you so she would let me out of jail, and when she got me out I shot her in the shoulder so she wouldn't be able to follow. Now she's really mad and escaped from the hospital and wants to get you," Shawn explained.
"Betty is part of your gang?" I asked. She was the last person I would guess to be involved with that kind of thing. Oh well. People were surprising.
Shawn nodded.
"And you had to act like you loved her and...hated me?"
Shawn nodded again. I tried to think of how exactly Shawn would convince her of that.
"Did you kiss her?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.
"It didn't mean anything, Macy."
Jealousy surged through me. I scooted slightly away from Shawn. The thought of her and him together...
Shawn looked at me with amusement in his eyes. "Oh, babe. Don't be jealous," he teased.
"I'm not!" I snapped a little too quickly. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks.
Shawn wrapped his arms around me and scooted me closer again. "I love you, Mason. That was just an act."
I narrowed my eyes. "But you kissed her," I protested.
"It didn't mean anything."
I sighed. "Anyway, do you think Betty will be able to get to us?"
Shawn shook his head.
"Definitely not. I have very good security, and I'll be in close proximity of you most of the time. As long as I'm here, she won't come near you," Shawn murmured.
I nodded. I was happy that I could finally feel safe with someone.
I laid my head on Shawn's shoulder.
"Now, where were we?" Shawn growled. He pushed me down on the couch so he was on top of me and started to kiss me again. I giggled.
"Shawn," I whispered.
"Shawn get off of me!" I teased between kisses.
I giggled again. "Shawn!" I whined. "I have better things to do than make out with you all day!"
Shawn pulled away and raised his eyebrow.
"Oh really?"
No, I thought, biting my lip.
"Yes. Like I haven't taken a shower in like a week."
Shawn smirked. "I could always come with you," he murmured. I shook my head.
"As tempting as that is, You probably have some work to do."
Shawn shook his head "That can wait."
"I can take a shower by myself," I said, rolling my eyes. I crawled out from underneath him and headed upstairs. I held back a laugh when I heard his exasperated sigh behind me.
I had been sitting on the couch for awhile after my shower, watching SpongeBob on the TV since I couldn't find the remote.
"Hey, baby," someone murmured into my ear. I jumped. I turned around and swung my hand, making my palm meet with a loud clap across their face.
"Oh my god! Shawn, I am so sorry!" I gasped, holding back a giggle.
"Mason, what the hell!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you!"
Shawn rubbed his cheek, and I burst out laughing.
"Mason, why is my pain funny to you?"
"I-is not. I'm sorry," I whispered, closing my mouth to stifle another giggle.
"What are you watching?" Shawn asked, looking critically at the TV.
"Only the best kids show in the history of the world! Also... I lost the remote," I admitted. Shawn shook his head and laughed. He walked
Over the the TV and switched it off.
"I was watching that, you know," I protested. Shawn ignored me and strolled over to me, pinning me down on the couch. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Shawn," I said, trying to push him away. He kissed me again, and this time I didn't protest. He kissed my jaw, my neck, and my earlobe.

"I want you make you feel good," he murmured into my ear. I shivered.

"S-Shawn. Stop," I pushed him away.
I scooted away from him on the couch, and he looked at me, concerned.
"I-I don't think I'm ready," I whispered, embarrassed. I felt my cheeks get hot.
"I-I'm sorry."

Shawn narrowed his eyes. "Hey."
I looked away.
"Hey, look at me," he whispered. He grabbed my chin and tilted it up toward him.
"You don't need to be sorry for anything. I completely understand."

"I'll respect whenever youre ready," he whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him.

I cuddled into his arms.

"Right now, I can still love you while you're right here," he murmured. He kissed my head softly.

I felt genuine happiness for the first time in a long, long while.

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