Chapter Two

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Before the Griers left they invented us to dinner at seven. I don't know whether to be excited or nervous. Ugh. Life is so confusing. But, it's five-thirty, and since I want to be perfect for Hayes, I started getting ready now.

I ran the bath and poured in some bubbles. I sat on the the closed toilet seat and stared at the water as it slowly filled up. Once it was finally done I pulled of my clothes and stepped into the hot water. Bubble baths always helped me relax, and with this being a stressful moving day it was much needed. I sat there staring at the ceiling and wondered about tonight. Would he sit next to me? Talk to me? Would he even look at me? Do I even want to fall for a boy? Ugh. Maybe I'm over thinking this.

After I sat in there so long the water was cold, and I looked like a prune, I got out and put on my robe.

I blow dried and straightened my hair, making sure every piece was perfect, deciding to keep it down. I took two bobby pins and pulled back my long bangs. I finally decided to grow them out after forever, but it sucks having them in between normal and short.

Next was everygirl's favorite part. Just kidding, I hate putting on makeup. But if I don't, I look like I'm dead, so it's kind of necessary. Unfortunately. I put this hydrating stuff on my face, sucks ass having dry skin by the way. I only put foundation in needed areas, under my eyes, and places where I get a little acne. Like on my chin and under my nose, to avoid making it obvious I'm actually wearing foundation. I put a little blush on my cheeks, a light eye shadow, mascara, red lipstick, and I was ready for clothes.

I stood there looking at my unpacked boxes. What to wear, I thought to myself. Being a girl sucks. Guys don't have the problem of having nothing to wear. Should I go for hot, preppy, or casual? I decided to go with what everyone always tells you and just be myself. Even though that's usually not what people actually want.

I go kind of casual with a flowy floral tank and some dark wash jean shorts. As always paired with a pair of vans. Today's choice of color being black.

I walked downstairs at six-fifty to an inpatient mother.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." She rushed..

"Mama, it's literally across the street." I whined.

"Just come on." She said pushing me out the door.


When we walked twenty feet to the Grier's very, very large house, even bigger than mine, Nash opened the door. He looked me up and down while a smirk played on his lips, then welcomed us. Did he just check me out? Whatever, it doesn't matter.

We walked into the dining room, where a large eight person table was set up in the middle. Delicious foods like chicken, biscuits, corn, and a couple other things were set around the table. Everyone started siting down. My mom sat next to Mrs. Grier, while I stood there awkwardly not knowing where to sit. But of course Hayes walked in just at the right time. Deep breaths Taylor.

"Hey Tay." He said, as though he had said it a million times before.

"Hey." I said, probably awkwardly.

I've already got a nickname.

He sat down, " You can sit next to me if you want to."

See the thing is, Hayes was probably doing this to be nice. And I was stuck freaking out.

"Okay." Woah, that sounded a lot calmer than I thought it would. Thank God.

I took a deep breath and sat down next to the one and only Hayes Grier.

"You look pretty tonight." He said observing my clothes. "I mean I'm sure you look pretty every night." He smirked.

The sad part is he doesn't know how many chest pains he's giving me.

"Thank you, you too. I mean you look handsome, not pretty. But you're still pretty too. Ugh." I sighed. Smooth move Taylor.

He chuckled, " I know what you mean."

Is chuckling a good or a bad thing?

We somehow kept a casual conversation going throughout dinner, with out me looking completely stupid. All night I was memorized by his beautiful eyes. As we were just about to leave, Hayes asked a question I didn't expect, but hoped for.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend?" He said smoothly.

My eyes widened and I froze, like a deer in headlights.

"Definitely." I replied after recovering.

"Great , I'll see you tomorrow." He turned to walk away.

"What do you mean." I asked confused.

"I mean I'm gonna' come to your house tomorrow. Is that fine?"

" Yeah, totally." I probably sound like one of those girls freaking out over the guy they like. Wait, that's exactly what I'm doing.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." He said as I walked out the door, adding a little wave at the end.

"Byeeee...." I said until the door was shut.

Tonight was definitely one of the best nights of my life. Maybe it isn't so bad here after all.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now