Chapter Twenty-Six

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Three months later...

Soph's POV

So here I am four months pregnant now. Every time I look in the mirror all I can think is, damn I'm fat. My baby is due sometime in May. I can't wait to see her precious little face.

It's now December, and it's almost Christmas! Christmas is my favorite time of the year, the decorations, the smells, I just love it. Me and Tay have already decorated the house. We hung Christmas lights, with Nash and Cam's help of course. We've also decorated our very cute tree, and a ton of other stuff.

"Sophia! Come down here!" Tay yells.

Today me and Tay are planning my baby shower. So I walk downstairs and take a seat next to her on the couch.

"Okay, so let's start out with food." She said, opening a notebook and grabbing a pen.

"Yes! My favorite thing!" I laughed.

"So you just name stuff and I'll write it down I guess."

So many fucking choices.

"Let's do pizza, normal chips, salt and vinegars chips, Doritos, tortilla chips, salsa, sour cream & onion dip, mini m&ms, gummy bears, sour patch kids, chocolate, more chocolate, a cake of course, mini cupcakes, brownies, apple pie, with whipped cream, ice cream, and fudge." I said.

Her hand was still writing like crazy.

"Did you get all that?" I really don't want to repeat it.

"Mhmmm." She said finishing the list. "Drinks?"

"Mountain Dew, Root Bear, Sprite, Sunkiss, Dr. Pepper, your home made punch, and wine."

"No wine." She said pointing at me.

"Whyyyy?" I whined.

"You can't drink while your pregnant."

"Damn it." I say fake pouting.

"Well, we can use it for beer pong, but you can't have any." We're to classy to use beer, it doesn't taste good anyways.

"Fine." I said grumpily.

"Let's talk color scheme."

"I want blue and pink, since that's how I want the baby's room."

"What's all the stuff we're gonna need?"

"Um... Table cloth, table center piece, cups, plates, forks, knives, spoons, streamers, balloons, wrapping paper, and could you get some little pins to say what we are to the baby, like I'm the mom, you're an aunt."

"Yup.... Okay so we've got the list, now let's go get the stuff."

"Ugh... Now we have to actually do stuff?" I complain.

"It'll be fun, now come on."


We went to a ton of party stores and got everything we needed. Now there's only one thing we need to do. Which is go get my outfit. Fun. You're probably like. Sophia! You love clothes though! Which I do, but not so much when you have to shop at maternity places. The only upside is they have really comfy pants.


Finally we got everything done, we're back at the house, and I'm exhausted.

"Tay I think I'm gonna go take a nap..." I said yawning at the last part.

"Go right ahead."

Tay's POV

Yes! My plan is going perfect. Sophia had to go take a nap. That means me, my mom, Nash, Cam, and Cassidy, Hannah, Lauren, and Chloe (my new friends) can go get her presents!

So I grabbed the car keys and took the short ride to the mall where were all meeting up.

I quickly find them by the entrance doors where told them to wait.

We have no time to waste, we have to be back before Sophia wakes up.

"So here's the list of what everyone gets. Okay?"

Sophia's Baby Gifts

Mama- crib, other furniture, baby bath, stroller, highchair, and swing

Taylor- crib bedding, curtains, rug, decorations

Nash- diapers (lots), and baby wipes

Cameron- baby soap, shampoo, lotion, and bath toys

Cassidy- pacifiers, and hands mittens

Hannah- socks, and headbands

Lauren- day time outfits

Chloe- pajamas


"Okay, every one knows what they need?"

"Yup." They all say.

"On your mark, get set, go!" They all raced off as I just laughed because I'm too lazy to run.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now