Chapter Sixteen

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Soph's POV


We got to the courthouse, piling one by one out of the car.

The first time anything really bad happened with my dad I told myself I would never tell. One because of him, and two because I never wanted to have to go through this. Ever. I still didn't, but here I was, walking towards this huge ass court house.

As we walked across the parking lot, Nash interlocked our fingers and pulled me into his warm chest. He kissed my head and looked at me.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered.

I wanted to believe him. So bad, I wanted to believe him. But the truth is no one knows what's going to happen, and as looked into those bright blue eyes of his, I saw something I had never seen in them before. Fear.

I knew exactly why, it was obvious. He got his girlfriend pregnant, and then came to find out that her father was beating her? I don't blame him at all. I'm scared out of my mind.

But I have a lot of other feelings also, like anger for example.



"Why did this happen to me?" I asked as he looked at me, listening carefully. "Out of every teen in the world, I got pregnant. Out of every other father in the world. I got an abusive one." I was on the verge on tears.

He thought about for a second before sighing and giving me an answer.

"Maybe." He paused. "You were given these these things to battle, because you were the only one who could handle it."

I took his words in before smiling at him. Maybe Nash was right.

I have to say, I've had a lot of bad things happen. But I have great people in my life. Out of every father I got mine, but out of every other guy out there. I got Nash, and I'm thankful for that. Yes, he's tall and hot as fuck. But more than that, he cares. He cares about me so much and would do anything he could to keep me out of harms way. He's always there for me if I'm sad, and anything he does can cheer me up.

Then there's Taylor. She looked over at me and squeezed my hand.

"You've totally got this." She smiled.

I'm lucky to have a best friend like her too. She caring and puts anyone before herself, she's a good listener and one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but she won't hesitate to beat anyone's ass that talks bad about someone she loves. She's been there for me ever since that day we became friends and she's helped me with everything. When I was crying because yet another guy broke my heart, or because girls were calling me a slut or whore. She picks on me about that too, but it's different, because I'm her slut. If that makes any sense. Or even the unknown reasons, that we're only unknown to her. But she never pressured me into telling her why, because she knew that I would tell her eventually. That day was yesterday, also known as the worst day of my life. But maybe it could turn out to be a good thing, like the end of suffering. Then again things have never been that simple with me.

We walked up the steps, and I counted each step we took.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

Now here we stood in front of these two big doors.

I have to be strong, be confident. Act like I have no doubt about what I'm doing. Act like I own the place. I have to act.

We pushed open the doors and I breathed in the air, it had that old people smell I hate. The ceiling was tall and everything was huge. I felt intimidated, but I reminded myself to have courage.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now