Chapter Six

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When I woke up at 10, Hayes was still asleep. Holding me the way he does every time, one arm on my waist. I wiggled out of his grasp. Rolling of the bed in the process, and landing with a thud on the floor. I had to pee really badly, and by the time I found the bathroom I was about to pee my pants.

When I got back to the room, which was much easier to find than to find the bathroom. And like my morning routine, I checked my phone. Because my phone is like a child that needs to be checked on fairly often. So I pressed the home button to see that I had a miss call from Birth Giver, and one from.... Sophia? About damn time.

To fill you in Sophia was my best friend back in Mississippi since 6th grade. Like every time a friend moves away she said she would talk to me everyday, but of course she hasn't really held up on that promise.

I walked over to the corner of Hayes' room. Far away so hopefully I wouldn't wake him. I decided to only call back my mom, since Sophia made me wait two weeks, she could wait a little longer.


God, she takes forever to answer the damn phone.

"Hello." My mom said.

"Hello mother." I said. She hates when I call her mother. So of course I do it just to get on her nerves.

"Hey monkey I called to tell you I'm coming home early." Yes, my mom still calls me monkey at 16. "I'll be there around 8 o'clock tomorrow night."


"I thought you said you would be gone for four more days?" I said, I didn't want to give up being with Hayes all the time.

"Well your surprise didn't take as long as I thought it would. And don't sound so sad about me coming home." She laughed.

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" I asked curiously, this can't be good.

"Sorry monk got to go! Love you!"

* click *

Well then.

I turned to see Hayes stretching his arms. His bare torso showing.

"Morning babe." He said, once again with his morning voice. God.

"Morning." I said as I walked back to the bed straddling his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist firmly.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"My mom saying she's coming home tomorrow, and she has a surprise. Great." I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I hate surprises. Moving to this town was a surprise." I threw my arms up.

Hayes then got on top of me hovering about two inches from my face, I stared in to his eyes till I lifted my head up so my lips met his. I kissed him lightly at first, starting with a small peck until it was soon a full blown make out session. Which I really enjoyed.

After about 3 minutes I stopped. Breathing heavily.

"But it turned out to be the best surprise in the whole world." I smiled.


I decided I should take a shower and go home to get the house straightened up. Even though I did not want to leave Hayes.

After once again I had to find my way to the bathroom, I took a shower, Hayes gave me a Davidson Day football tee-shirt and I put my jeans back on. He held out his arm to walk me downstairs, but as soon as we opened his bedroom door, there was Nash. Fucking stalker. I rolled my eyes and pushing past him, really fucking done with his shit.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now