Chapter Three

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Hayes said he would be over at two. Why he actually wanted to hang out with me, I have no idea. But I'm fine with that. He seems like he has a good personality too, which is hard to find in a guy.

Shit! I haven't unpacked my room. That's embarrassing. I wonder if Hayes would help me.

To- Hayes❤️

Sent- 12:24

Hey I haven't unpacked my room yet. Do you want to help me?

I sent it and a few minutes later I got a message.

From Hayes❤️

Received- 12:26

Sure that'll be fun!

To Hayes❤️

Sent- 12:27

Wear something you can paint in.

From Hayes❤️

Received- 12:28

K 😜

I decided to hopped in the shower, I had an hour and a half till he would be here.

After about 10 minutes, 5 minutes for washing, 5 minutes for just standing under the hot water. I got too tired of standing, I got out, and just like every time, slipped on my robe. I choose to put in contacts today, and did my normal makeup routine. But because I was lazy/didn't want to get paint in my hair. I just threw it in a high pony tail.

Today's choice of clothing wasn't very difficult. Just something I could get messy. So I choose a pair of light wash shorts, and some random oversized t t-shirt that I tied of in the back with a hair bow. (A/N Some people say hair tie, I say hair bow. Now you know what I'm talking about.)

After I was done I sat in the living room scrolling through Instagram. Everyone was just people from my old school that I didn't really care about. The only ones I cared about were my celeb crushes.

Almost perfectly timed at two, there was a knock on the door.

I put my phone in my back pocket and strolled over to the door, and opened it to a very handsome boy.

" Hey." I said with a smile. Motioning him to come in.

" You ready to work? " He asked with a chuckle, walking into the living room.

We walked up the steps, and I apologized that they annoyingly creaked so much.

I told my mom that Hayes was coming over, which she didn't really care about. She's not that over protective about guys, I'm just warned that sex is not the best idea for a teen. She had to go back to Mississippi to get the rest our stuff, and whatever else she had to do. Anyways, that means I have the house to myself for the rest of the week. Which will be enjoyable.

I walked over to the paint buckets and started to open them. I had already layer out the plastic on the floor, which i was thankful for when the paint kind of splashed when I opened it.

"As you can see we have A LOT of work to do." I turned around to find Hayes staring at me.

" What? "

" You're just so beautiful without even trying."

"So cliche Hayes." I joked, not believing it. "But thanks."

We started to paint my walls a light blue. I thanked God Hayes was tall because, well, I can't reach very far. We laughed at the terrible job we were doing, we missed a couple of spots. We couldn't pay attention to what we were doing though since we kept throwing paint at ourselves instead of the wall. I just hoped it would come off.

After he just painted like half of my face blue I ran and tackled him while laughing. After he won the tackle, with my arms pinned beside me, He randomly kissed quickly on the lips, and hopped up. I laid there in shock of what just happened. I mean, I have only known him for a day. Not saying it bothered me that he kissed me, he just took me by surprise. But I liked it.

"We should do that again sometime." I giggled.

"Trust me, we will." He smirked. And I'm pretty sure I couldn't breath.

After the painting was finally done and dried we put my bed together, my TV stand, and my dresser. Which I made Hayes do most of. Might as well, he's stronger anyways. We put my covers on my bed, just a simple white comforter. And of course being the children we were inside, we had a pillow fight before actually putting them on the bed.

I finally put my clothes in the closet, which would make choosing outfits A LOT easier.

Of course Hayes spotted the box with my bras and panties, and went to grab it.

"Nope." I said, grabbing it before he could. Causing him to give me a pouting face. Which I just laughed at.

After my room was done Hayes asked if he could stay over. I of course didn't care, I was really excited. Who wouldn't want to snuggle with the guy you like? So he texted his mom, who didn't mind, and we laid down to watch "Batman: The Dark Knight", being the batman nerd I am. I not so secretly have an obsession with the Joker because of Heath Ledger.

He lightly wrapped his arm around my waist, causing me to blush. But I felt so safe with his arms around me. Something I had never felt before.

After Batman was over, we watched one of the saddest movies ever. The Titanic. I slowly started drifting off. Hayes gave me a kiss before I fell asleep, and I'm pretty sure I slept with a smile on my face.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now