Chapter Twenty-Four

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Today's the day. The first day of my new school and I can already tell that it's going to be absolute hell.

I woke up like every other day except a little more grumpy and a lot more nervous. Side effects of school. I reached over to my nightstand blindly. Moving my hand around they surface until I found my glasses. I slid them on and looked at the clock. 6:00 am. I have about an hour and a half to get ready. So like I used to do before this drama of a summer, I got up to go take a shower.

I preferred taking showers the night before, but sometimes I purposely took them in the morning just to wake myself up. So I undressed sleepily from my pajamas and stepped into the hot shower, washing my hair and body before shaving my legs.

Once finished I stepped out, which I hated because the cold air automatically sent shivers down my spine. I quickly dried off and put on my robe for warmth before wrapping my hair in the towel.

I brushed my teeth and put on minimal makeup as usual, and finally blow dried and straightened my dark brown hair.

I put on the coral and white lace dress me and Sophia got the day we went shopping, the same day she met Nash. It seems like it was just yesterday. I also put in some diamond studs, and slipped on new white vans I prayed wouldn't get dirty on the first day. Maybe white shoes weren't a good idea.

I checked myself in the full length mirror one time before heading downstairs and finding my mom, Sophia, Cameron, and Nash in the living room.

"What are you doing up?" I asked Sophia, surprised since her normal awakening time was anywhere from 11am to 2pm.

"I'm here for support!" She laughed.

"Thank you." I said before hugging her. "As you can tell I'm nervous." I half laughed, holding out my shaking arm.

"You're gonna be fine." Sophia and Mama said at the same time.

"I guess." I sighed, looking down to my Vans.

"Plus you have us babe!" Cam yelled, him and Nash engulfing me in a bear hug.

"Okay I get it!" I laughed, barely able to breathe.

They pulled apart and Nash checked the time on his phone.

"We've gotta go or we're gonna be late on our first day!"

"Ughhh." I complained before grabbing my book bag and then Cam's hand.

Nash stole a quick kiss from Sophia before moving towards the door.

"Hold up let me get a picture!" My mom yelled.

"Mama!" I wined, I'm not the most photogenic person.

"I have to!"

"Fine." I huffed.

So we all stood together from left to right, Cameron, myself, Sophia, then Nash. Cam kissed my cheek and Nash kissed Sophia's of course.

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese!" Me and Sophia yelled while Cameron and Nash hummed it while still kissing our cheeks.

I heard the click of the camera before we all started laughing, since we obviously can't take anything seriously.

"Ok can we go now?" I asked.

"Wait!" Soph yelled.

"What ever could it be?!"

"Here." She said, and handed me a banana.

"Thanks." I giggled, then grabbed Cam's hand, and walked out the door.


The school is huge, way bigger than the one in Mississippi. It's two stories tall complete with a football field, track field, tennis court, and anything else you can imagine.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now