Chapter Eleven

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Cameron invited us into his house, pulling us through drunk people grinding on each other.

"Come on Nash." Sophia said, grabbing his hand and dragging him off somewhere. Which left me with Cameron.

"Seriously?" I laughed. They just ditched me.

Cameron laughed along. God, even his laugh is hot. He looks literally perfect. I mean his jawline could cut diamonds.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked me. Catching me off guard.

"Nah, I'm probably going to have to drive Soph and Nash home." I explained. I really wanted to drink.

"No problem you guys can stay here." He said with a smile.

"Really!?" Shit! I didn't mean to sound that excited.

"So, do you want a drink." He asked again with a smirk.


He led me into the kitchen where all of the alcohol was. He poured me something into a red solo cup and handed it to me. I had no idea what it was but I accepted it. I took a sip and I could feel the alcohol burning down my throat. I liked the feeling.

"You're new, right?" He asked.

"Yep." I said, popping the p.

"Davidson High?"

"10th." I smiled. Even though I wasn't too excited about actually going to school.

"Same. It's a pretty nice school." Okay I can deal with school now.

"Cameron!" Some guy yelled to him from the living room. Cameron looked to him and back to me.

"Sorry." He apologized. "I have to go talk to them. But go make some friends other than me, Nash and his girlfriend." His put his hand on my shoulder, then walked off.

I'm his friend.

Cameron's POV


As soon as I saw Taylor I was like ZAYMMMMM, I like her. I hope I can get to know her tonight. She's probably already taken though. There's no way she can't be, she's beautiful and perfect. She's perfect for me.

Taylor's POV


I walked around the house, avoiding getting bumped into by drunk people.

I was walking through the living room when my arm was grabbed and pulled back. I turned around to find four girls.

"Come on girl dance with us!" One of them yelled over the music. I thought about not going. But hell, it's a party. So I just laughed and joined.

We got more drinks, and I was having a lot of fun.

After a while we were tired so we walked out to the back yard by the pool where less people were. I had finished my third drink, so I was a little less shy than usual.

"So who are you guys exactly?" I giggled. My words probably slurring.

"I'm Lauren." One of them spoke up, the tallest.She had red poofy hair, and blueish green eyes covered by glasses. Her face was tinted with red, just because she's a ginger. And of course she was covered with so many freckles I could play connect the dots on her.

"I'm Cassidy." Said the beach blonde one. She was pale and also had freckles, but a lot less. Her eyes were pretty and bright blue (but not Nash blue) Surrounded by dark, long eyelashes.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now