Chapter Twelve

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Me and Cameron have been going strong for the past week, and so has Sophia and Nash. As for me and Hayes, I refuse to talk to him. Which isn't a problem since he hasn't tried. You think he would apologize, or come running back to me or something. But nothing.

I was sitting on the bed playing on my phone, like always, when Sophia came out of the bathroom. She had her face in her hands. I could hear her taking small gasps of breath, and I knew she was crying. She doesn't cry much so I knew something was really wrong.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her for comfort.

"What's the matter Soph?" I asked concerned.

"I'm such a screw up!" She sobbed.

"What are you talking about?" Her and Nash probably broke up or something.

She dropped her hands down. Her eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down her face.

"Taylor, I'm late." She finally said. Causing her to cry more.

What!? She can't be. Can she?

"It's okay, maybe not. You're only off by one day, so what?" I said quickly.

"No, five days!" She cried.

"Oh shit." I said silently.

"What am I gonna do!? I have to tell Nash, and my parents!" I forgot about that, her parents are really strict.

"When are they coming?"

"Next week."

"Okay, calm down, take deep breaths. Its not helping when you're freaking out." I said, trying to get everything sorted in my head. "First we need to get Nash over here."


I heard a knock on the door and Sophia nervously looked at me. I was just as scared as she was to be honest. I opened the door to see a very confused Nash. Sophia was still trying to keep it together.

"You might wanna sit down." I said. Pointing to the couch.

"What's wrong?" He asked, taking a seat.

I sat beside Sophia for support.

"Remember at Cameron's party and we were really drunk, and some things happened." Sophia said slowly.

"Yeah?" Nash asked confused.

"We didn't use protection, did we?"

Nash's eyes widened. Obviously realizing what happened.

"We were so drunk we must have forgot." He said quietly.

"Well, I'm- I'm pregnant." Sophia stuttered, tears flowing down her face once again.

Nash was too shocked to move for a second, but then pulled a sobbing Sophia into his chest. Running his fingers over her hair.

"Shh... It's okay. We'll get through this." He assured.

I decided to join the hug, wrapping my arms around both of them.

We just sat there for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"We need to tell someone."

"Like who?" Nash asked.

"My mom."

I think it should be my mom because she's also like Sophia's mom. Sophia's parents aren't the best. So we've always been her second family.


My mom walked into the kitchen to see us all standing around.

"What's going on?" She asked slowly.

"Sophia has something to tell you." I said simply.

Soph took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

My mom didn't say anything at first, just raised her eyebrow and walked over to Sophia.

She pulled Sophia into a hug.

"It's okay I know how you feel." She assured. "And we will always be here for you no matter what."

Another reason I thought it would be a good idea to tell my mom is because I knew she would understand. Because the same thing happened to her, with me.


So my mom got Sophia one of those baby doctor appointments the same day. I have no idea what it's actually called. Me and my mom stayed in the waiting room while Nash went with Sophia.

Sophia's POV


I sat on the edge of the bed, swinging my legs back and forth waiting anxiously for the doctor to give us the results. Nash sat in a chair beside me, holding my hand and staring of into space. Probably deciding what to think about all of this.

A knock was heard on the door and I sucked in a breath and squeezed my eyes shut, Nash holding my hand tighter now.

She took a seat on her stool, looking at the papers on her clipboard. She looked like your typical female doctor. Hair in a messy bun, glasses that made her eyes look big, a lab coat with those weird doctor pants. Also wearing white sneakers.

She cleared her throat and looked at the both of us,

"So?" Me and Nash asked at the same time.

"Sophia." She paused. "You are pregnant."

I started crying again, even though I already was pretty sure I was pregnant before this.

"But there are still the options of adoption, or abortion." She suggested.

I looked over to Nash, cringing at the thought of doing that to a child.

"No." He said quickly back to the doctor. "We can get through this together." Finding my hand once again.

"Keep the fact in mind that you too are not alone. You have your family." Yeah right. "And there are lots of programs to help teen parents."

We nodded to show we understood. But what are we gonna do?


We walked back out to Tay and her mom. Telling them that I was in fact pregnant.

I was so thankful to have Nash, Tay, and her mom for support. But I was also very scared. Scared to see what my dad would think, and what he would do.



-xoxo, Taylor 😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now