Chapter Eight

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I don't know if you guys have noticed but if not just an FYI there is no vine yet, and Hayes and Nash are not famous, yet.


After Hayes left last night to "eat dinner" me and Sophia caught up on what has been going on. Lately she was dating this guy, then dated another guy to make that guy jealous, and ended up going back to the original guy. But of course she broke up with him before moving here. Which didn't surprise me one bit.

We ended up staying up till' 4am eating food and watching Netflix.

I woke up at 10, but I didn't get much sleep. You see, Sophia's a cuddler. And I was suffocating. Still suffocating. I mean I snuggle too but I at least replace humans with pillows.

Anyways I'm having a day away from Hayes and going shopping with Soph, which is much needed since school starts in two weeks. I'm not looking forward to going back to hell. I hate almost everyone at school. They're just so fake and stuck up. I wish I could just be home schooled.

After laying there for twenty minutes and not being able to get out of Soph's death grip, I decided to wake her up. Which usually isn't the best idea, since it always ended in her yelling at me and almost getting punched in the face. But I never have really cared. So I turned to face her and shook her by her shoulders.


Nothing. Dammit Sophia.

I had an idea but it wasn't the best idea, and I had to get out of her arms. So automatically I licked her hand. Which caused her to immediately let go of me so she could rub her hand on her face to get the saliva off. I know it's a little weird, but hey, it works.

I quickly got up and went to my closet and got a scarf and an air horn. What? Doesn't everyone have one? Anyways I took the blanket off the bed and tied her feet together with the scarf, a little something I read on the internet.

I decided this would make a good video so I pulled out my phone and started recording. Trying not to laugh I blew the air horn.


She sat up screaming, covering her ears, and freaking out. The first thing her doing of course being trying to get up. Which resulted in her falling flat on her face.

That was all I could take. I fell on the floor with fits of laughter. Not being able to catch my breath.

"God dammit Taylor!" Sophia yelled, which just caused me to laugh even more.

But she couldn't contain it and started laughing along with me. I'm so glad I recorded this.

After us watching the video five million times we ended up eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch while sitting on the kitchen counters. Who needs tables right?


By 1 we were both ready. I wore a white lace tank top with bleached shorts, hair down with a dark blue bandana, and matching vans. Sophia was wearing a black and white aztec print skater skirt, and a white crop top, her hair naturally curly (something I was jealous of), with black high top converses.

Sophia drove us to the mall. The perks of being 16. We blasted music jamming out, and probably looking like complete idiots to people in the other cars. But it's okay, she's my best friend.


"How does this look?" I asked. I had on a white skater dress that I paired with a gold necklace and bracelet. I had to find something to wear on the first day of school.

"On fleek." She laughed. She had picked out a sunflower dress that suited her well.

We have to be the best dressed in school.


We went to some other stores like Forever 21, Hot Topic, and Victoria's Secret. Picking out some more clothes, and other things.

"I'm starving." Sophia complained, sitting on a bench, six bags by her feet.

We're hard core shoppers, and that works up an appetite.

"Hmm." I thought. "Subway?" I asked.

"Yass." She said, now dragging her bags towards the food court.

After devouring a foot long and drinking a sweet tea, I had to got pee.

"Hey Soph I got to go to the bathroom. K?" I said.

"Okay, I'll be here." She nodded, more focused on her phone than what I was saying.

I hate public bathrooms, but I had to go. So I did my business, washed my hand, and went back out again.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked up to see Sophia kissing some guy. Of course she had already found someone. They'll probably hook up tonight.

But I took a closer look. He was tall with dark brown hair.

Sophia spotted me and stopped kissing him, blushing. He turned around to see what she was looking at. As soon as he did, I was shocked. He had those blue eyes. The last person I would guess.














It was Nash.



I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now