Chapter Five

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I haven't talked to Hayes for a whole day and it's killing me. Which I hate, I don't want to seem like one of those girls who are completely torn apart because of a guy. But unfortunately, I'm one of those girls.

It's 12 and I still haven't got out of the bed yet due to me being completely un-motivational. I was starring at the ceiling when I got an unexpected text.

From: Hayes❤️

Received- 12:01

Come over we need to talk.

Not exactly sure if this is a good idea.

To: Hayes❤️

Sent- 12:03


I walked over to Hayes' house, not knowing what was about to happen, and knocked on his door. Right before I was about to knock again his mom answered.

"Hello. Is Hayes here?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Yep, upstairs." She said with a smile.

I walked upstairs and opened Hayes' door, not seeing a need to knock, to find not only Hayes, but Nash too. Isn't that just wonderful.

"Um hi." I said. Not knowing what else I should say.

"Taylor, Nash told me the truth." Hayes said.

I rolled my eyes with a fake laugh.

"And what would his definition of the truth be?"

"That he kissed you and lied."

"No shit Sherlock." If you couldn't already tell I'm very sarcastic when I'm pissed off.

Hayes looked to the floor.

I turned to Nash. Still mad.

"Nash, why the hell would you try to screw up our relationship in the first place!?" Not that I would actually except an answer.

"I do have an explanation."

"We'll lets hear I then." Dropping my arms to my sides.

Nash looked to Hayes and back to me. Hayes motioning for him to continue.

"I just got out of a relationship that my ex cheated on me in, and well I was a little desperate. I thought I would never find anyone who would like me."

"So to get over your breakup where your ex cheated, you tried to make me look like I cheated? Great excuse." I laughed, slowly clapping my hands together.

"I didn't mean for it to end like this. I'm sorry."

"Not good enough Nash." I said with annoyance. Rolling my eyes. Not believing it.

"Nash let me talk to Taylor by myself." Hayes cut in. Pushing Nash out.

Nash left to the room and I was face to face with Hayes. Once again I had my bitch face on.

"Taylor please forgive me?" He begged, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, letting his hand drop.

"How can I trust you'll believe me any other time!?" I exclaimed. Frustrated by the whole situation.

"Because." He said in a sad tone.

"Because why Hayes?" I said still turned around., and still pissed off.

"Because I love you."

I stopped breathing for a second and turned around. I found it hard to believe. We've only been dating for about a week after all.

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to explain further.

"There was something about you the first time I saw you. I still don't know what it was, but I like it. Every time I kiss you, or even touch you, I get these this feeling. I feeling that I didn't what it was until now. Let me ask you something Taylor. Do you believe in love in first sight?"

I had never thought about it. Did I believe in love at first sight? I also never thought about the fact that I could possibly love Hayes. But now, putting it all together I see that those feelings Hayes had, I had too. Maybe those feelings, are love?"

"Yes, I do." I said finally.

"Then do you believe that I love you?" He asked, eager for my response.

"Yes." I said, a smile starting to form. "And I love you too."

He smiled and I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his torso. Holding on to the feeling of me in his arms. With his arms around my waist, and mine around his neck, he leaned in for a kiss. Moving our mouths together in sync slowly. I liked this kind of kiss. One so slow I could feel every movement. He walked over to the door, still making out, so we could have more privacy. I soon felt his soft mattress under me as he climbed on top. His tongue slipped in and I wished the moment could last forever. He started to tug at the hem of my shorts and I let him in the heat of the moment. But once my shorts were gone I realized that I didn't want this to go any further, and pushed his hand away from my shirt.

"Hayes." I said in between kisses.

"Hmm." He moaned.

"Wait." I said, and he stopped to look at me. "I don't wanna do this right now." I whispered. Knowing that sex the second week, might be on the edge of just being a horny teenager.

"I can wait." He said. Starting to leave kisses down my neck.

My back arched and I let out a moan.

I flipped us over and straddled him, smirking at his bulge under me.

I grinded on him, my hands on his chest as he quietly moaned, a smirk playing on my lips. I loved the feeling, loved the effect I had on him, and loved that there was nothing he could do about it.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now