Chapter Seventeen

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One Week Later...

Taylor's POV


"Sophia! Wake up!" I shook her shoulders.

"Why!" She whined, rolling over.

"We have to leave in a couple of hours!"

"Fine." She said grumpily. But she grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the bed with her.

It's Friday and we are leaving to drive to the beach today. Unfortunately it's our last weekend before school starts. Well, for me.

We decided Sophia should be home schooled. At least for this year because, well, she's pregnant and the last thing I want is for people to start bullying her again.

"It sucks were not going to school together." I sighed, propping myself up with my elbows.

Soph reached over to the side table, putting on her glasses.

"Yeah, I bought that first day outfit for nothing!" She exclaimed, causing me to laugh. " Look at it this way, I'm not going to go to school with you, but were sisters now! And in eight and a half months your going to be an aunt!"

"I'm so excited!" I giggled.

Sophia's dad and mom are in jail, her dad survived the gunshot wound since it was only to the leg.

Sophia's also almost a month pregnant. We've got her new room set up, and we still have an extra one for the baby.

"Let's get breakfast. I'm starving." Soph complained.

"Of course you are." I giggled, patting her stomach that's just a tiny bump for now.

"Hey, no pregnant jokes!" She laughed.

I got up and opened the door, smelling something.

I looked at Sophia, her eyes wide.

"Blueberry Muffins!" We yelled in unison, racing down the stairs that creaked much more with our heavy footsteps.

I had my socks on so when I ran onto the tile in the kitchen I slipped and fell flat on my butt causing Soph and my mom to burst out laughing.

"Hungry ain't you?" My mom laughed.

"Mama! Help me up!" I whined.

Her and Sophia looked at each other.

"Nah." They both said.

"Damn, sometimes I forget she's not blood related." I said getting up and brushing myself off.

"Watch your language." My mom said casually.

"Watch your language." I mimicked in an annoying voice.

She gave me an I'm about to smack the shit out of you look, and I stopped.

Me and Soph each grabbed a muffin and I grabbed the tub of butter out the fridge.

"You put butter on everything!" Sophia laughed.

"Hey! Leave me and Mr. butter alone." I said defensively.

After quickly eating two muffins I took a shower, Sophia getting in after me.

I put on a black crop top and black and white striped high waisted shorts, tying my hair into a pony tail. Sophia put on white shorts and a blue tank top, leaving her hair down.

I decided to only put on mascara since I have to be stuck in a car for six hours. I love the beach, but I despise the car rides.

We packed our stuff in suitcases, which was probably enough clothes for a week. But hey! We're girls.

I dialed Cam who is also with Nash.

Did I mention they're coming with us? Well, they are.

I had to convince my mom to let them come with me and Soph. But she's knows I'm not that dumb, and Sophia. Well, she's already pregnant.

I sat the phone down on my vanity, putting the phone on speaker so Soph could hear.

"Hey babe." Cam said on the phone.

"Hey we're all packed and ready to go." I said proudly.

"Cool. We'll be there in a minute."

I heard a loud crash in the background as Cam sighed.

Me and Soph looked at each other with confusion.

"What was that?" We both asked.

"Nash is a fucking idiot." He responded, causing us both to laugh.

"Well, we'll be waiting." I said, still giggling.

"But, um, there's some bad news." He said sounding irritated.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"You'll see."

Me and Soph looked at each other. Hoping it wasn't anything too bad.


A few minutes later me and Soph heard a knock on the door.

"I got it!" My mom yelled.

Me and Soph walked downstairs, hearing quiet talking in the living room. Which isn't normal since everyone is really loud except for me. Well, most of the time.

We walked in the room as everyone looked at me wide eyed.

Standing in the doorway were not two, but three guys.

My breathing hitched once I realized who it was.

"Um, Taylor." Nash gulped. "Hayes has to come with us, unexpectedly."


I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now