Chapter Four

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I woke up to find that Hayes was still asleep. I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. I pressed to home button to see that it was 9:45. Hayes still had his arm draped loosely around my waist. I rolled over to face him, smiling at the cuteness of him snoring lightly. Too bad, I poked his cheek until he finally woke up.

" Morning beautiful." His blue eyes being a little darker from tiredness. He had that deep morning voice that I had to admit, was really sexy.

" Morning" I said sweetly. He moved a piece of hair out of my face and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

I slowly sat up, not really wanting too from me just being lazy in the morning.

"I had fun last night." He smirk.

" God, you act like we had sex." I giggled, and Hayes accepted the joke. "But it was pretty fun.' I said after.

" Was I your first kiss." He said suddenly.

I didn't really want to tell him, at 16 you would think I have.

"Maybe." I said laughed a little.

"Come on, how could someone not think you are as beautiful as I think you are?" He asked, leaning on one elbow now.

"Most guys don't care about personality or true beauty." I said, it's the most obvious thing in the world. "All they want is some slut with big boobs, and lots of sex." I shrugged.

"Well, like you for you, and I always will" He said, and I kinda believed it.


We quickly took showers, got dressed, and decided to go get some breakfast at Denny's. Every time I go there I think about one time when me and some of my family were staying in Pennsylvania in a cabin. We got back from a little road trip really late, and with there being no where else open, we ended up eating at Denny's at two o'clock in the morning.

It was simple breakfast, with me and Hayes having small conversations that I enjoyed. The food was good and I drink enough sweet tea that I had to pee like four times. A really bad habit I have at resturants. Whenever I'm bored waiting for the food to come, I just sit there and chug like three glasses of sweet tea. Most of the time the waiter just keeps a pitcher at my table. Oh well.

After we got back we decided to go to his house, since I get bored of being at the same place after awhile.

We just walked in without knocking, since it was Hayes' house of course. I hugged Skylynn, his sister. Who is the most adorable little girl with a love of horses and a bit of sass. I said hi to his mom and dad, who I think like me. I hope so anyways. I was gonna say hi to Nash, but he just kept smirking at me, and to be honest it was kinda creeping me out. Hayes grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear that we should go upstairs. Which sent shivers down my spine.

After sitting on his bed for a minute of awkward silence. I noticed he has a PS3.

"Play Station, or Xbox?" I smirked. One of the most important questions ever.

"Play Station," He said.

"See, we can get along now." I smiled, causing Hayes to laugh.

"Wanna play Arkham Origins?" He asked.

"See, this is why I like you."

In the middle of me trying to beat Deathstroke there was a knock on the door, and Nash walked in.

" Hey." Nash said casually, not like he was interrupting me and Hayes trying to kill someone.

" Hey." Hayes said back, obviously a little annoyed that Nash had came in here.

Nash walked across the room and took seat a little too close for comfort. Causes me to scoot closer to Hayes.

"Mom said dinner will be ready in about an hour, you can stay for dinner Taylor." He said with a smile.

"Sure, sounds great." I said, looking to Hayes.

And just like he came in, he slowly walked across the room and shut the door behind him before walking back downstairs.

That was kinda fucking weird.


After a kind of awkward dinner, only because Nash wouldn't stop fucking staring at me, we went right back to Hayes' room. And in only about ten minutes, Nash came upstairs and told Hayes that their mom said he needed to do the dishes. Which left me and Nash. Alone.

I did not like being alone with Nash AT ALL. He just gives me weird vibes. Sitting really close, the constant staring. I felt like he was secretly stalking me.

After a few awkwardly quiet minutes, everything seemed to be awkward with Nash, he spoke up.

" So are you two like a thing now?" Um, wasn't really expecting that one.

" Yeah I guess so." I said back.Not really knowing why he cared. Maybe he was just trying to have a normal conversation.

"You know, I can see why he likes you. Your very pretty." Inching closer to me on the bed. Never mind about the normal conversation.

"Ummm thanks, I guess?" What else was I suppose to say!?

"It makes me want you too" The fuck?

He leaned in, and before I could realize what he was doing, I felt his lips on mine. Automatically I pushed him off, but not before Hayes walked in. Of fucking course.

"Nash what are you doing!" He yelled, a look of shock on his face.

"I don't know what happened. She just kissed me! "

"Wait. What!? He kissed me Hayes!" I could not believe this. Nash, trying to blame this on me? What the fuck!?

"You're gonna believe that girl over your own brother?" Nash said. He better.

Hayes just stood there. Are you gonna say anything!?

I got inches away from Nash's face.

" You're such a dirty liar." I said, clearly showing how pissed off I am.

"See you're trying to get in my face. You wanted me all along." Are you kidding me?

" Hayes!" I said looking at him desperately. He has to believe me, right?

"I don't know what to think right now." He said looking at the ground, not angry, disappointed.

I looked from Nash to Hayes.

"Whatever! " I yelled. "Don't think I'm gonna come crawling back to you though!" That is something I would never do.

I stormed out of his house and back to mine.

Did that really just happen?

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now