Chapter Ten

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At first I was crushed. Now, I'm pissed. I stormed out of the bedroom and around the corner to find Hayes.

"Hey babe." He said casually. I can't believe him.

"Don't hey babe me!" I screamed.

"What's the matter?"

"Fuck you Hayes Grier! You lied to me! You don't care about me!" I cried.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, acting clueless, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled pushing him into the wall. Just as Nash and Sophia walked into the hallway.

"Woah, what happened!?" Nash said, stepping in between us.

I still had Hayes' phone in my hand, so I shoved it in Hayes' face.

"Here, you got a message. Babe." I said with an attitude. Dick.

Hayes' mouth dropped open after he realized he had been caught..

" Hand me the phone." Nash said, snatching it from Hayes.

Nash and Soph read the phone together.

There was a wave of anger that washed over Nash, and everyone could see it. I looked over at Hayes and was scared shitless.

Nash walked over to Hayes and punched him right in the face, knocking him to the ground with a bloody nose. Sophia shrieked and latched onto me. I just stood there emotionless. Right this moment I didn't care what happened to him. I hated him. I hated him with a passion.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Nash yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with me!? What the hell is wrong with you!? You just punched your own brother! Look, Taylor's pretty and all, but Alexis has something she can't give me." He said standing up.

Nash started slinging him into the walls. Hayes' head hitting them hard each time. All I know is when Nash is mad, he doesn't joke around.

"We should break them up!" Sophia suggested, pulling me towards them.

"No." I said, putting an arm in front of her. "Just let it happen." He deserved it, no matter what.

Nash punched Hayes again and pushed him to the ground. He grabbed his shirt roughly.

"Leave." He said with anger and intimidation. Pointing to the stairs.

Hayes scrambled down the them, not looking at us once. We knew he was gone when a door slammed behind him.

"I'm so sorry." Sophia said hugging me.

"It's okay." I said back. "I should have never fell for him." This is why I never fall in love, stuff like this happens.

Nash was now sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. I sat down beside him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks you. Oh, and I officially forgive you by the way." I giggled.

"He deserved it." He said back, lifting his head up. " Hey, how about to get our minds off of all of this, we go to a party my friend invited me to." He suggested.

Me and Soph looked at each other with huge grin on our faces.

"Yes!" We both yelled at the same time.

Nash said he would pick us up in three hours. So me and Soph went to my house to get ready. It was 5 now.

A party is just what I need. The last thing I want to think about is he-who-should-not-be-named.

I took a shower with Sophia getting in after me. We put on our robes and laid out both of our clothes since we usually shared, just like every pair of best friends. We both agreed on wearing skin tight dresses. I usually don't go skin tight in order to avoid looking slutty. But tonight I officially don't give a fuck. I just wanna have fun and get drunk.

I picked out Sophia's black, short, one shouldered dress with silver glitter pumps, and matching hoops. Soph picked out my red dress with rhinestones around the waist and on the shoulders, red pumps with rhinestones, and ruby earrings.

I curled Sophia's blonde locks, and did her makeup, and she put my dark brown hair into a bun updo thing. We both did dark eyes and red lip stick.

I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. Just in time.

We ran downstairs, well as close as you can get to running in heels. Sophia opened the door to a very handsome looking Nash, who gaped at Sophia with his mouth hanging open.

"You look hot." He managed to get out.

"Thanks." She giggled.

"Okay love birds, let's go." I said laughing.


This house is fucking huge. That's all I can say. I hoped out the car parked on the curb. You could smell the alcohol and hear the music from outside.

We walked to the door, avoiding people in the front yard as best as possible. Nash knocked on the door and some guy answered, a really hot guy actually. He was tan and tall, not as tall as Nash, but still tall, He had a tall brown quiff, and dark brown eyes.

He caught my stare and looked at me.

"Hey bro." Nash said doing a guy whatever the fuck its called thing with the guy, and snapping us out of it

"Who's this?" The guy asked pointing at me.

I blushed at him just even mentioning me.

"This is Taylor." Nash said back. "Taylor, this is Cameron, Cameron Dallas."


Oooooooo... Someone's got a crush. Lol. Sorry my chapters are short, but I like to have a lot of suspense. Also there's a lot in store, so keep reading my fan fic!

-xoxo, Taylor 😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now