Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Two Weeks Later*




Taylor's POV


"Taylor wake up!!" Sophia yelled in my ear.

"Whyyyyy." I whined. I'm usually the one waking her up, what the fuck?

"Do you wanna find out what my baby is, *click*, or naw?" She tilted her head.

"OH MY GOD I FORGOT!" I screamed, getting up.

"We'll get ready! My appointment is in an hour!" She laughed.

I quickly took a shower, threw on a tank top and shorts, and met up with Nash and Cam outside.

We are all getting better about Hayes. We've been going to therapy, and I'm starting to believe that it wasn't my fault. I think we all still have our moments. Nightmares and random outbursts of tears, but we're learning to move on.

Right now we are looking forward to Sophia's baby.

"I'm so excited!" Sophia screamed, jumping up and down and pushing Nash.

"We'll lets go hoe!" I laughed grabbing Cam's hand and going to the car.

Cam, Nash, and I are all going back to school next week. I'm not looking forward to because one people will want to know about Hayes, and two I won't have my best friend by my side.






Sophia's POV


I'm laying on a really fucking uncomfortable bed. There are walls covered in charts of pregnant women, and some sort of monitor screen thing. Cameron and Taylor are across the room sitting in a chair while Taylor looks like she is about to pee her pants from excitement. Nash is sitting beside me holding my hand.

"So this is ultrasound gel. It helps us transmit the waves directly to the probe." The doctor said.

I have no fucking idea what that means but okay.

"Now this may be cold." She says, and starts to put the blue sticky gel on me.

She was right. It's cold.

Then she pressed the probe thing to my stomach. I looked at Nash and smiled. He smiled back pressing a kiss on the back of my hand.

"What if the baby isn't okay, or what if it's more than one baby, or has some sort of birth defect?" I asked him, slightly panicking.

"Sophia, calm down, everything's gonna be okay." He assured me.

"Sophia." The doctor said looking at me.

Here it comes.

"We'll first let me say your baby is perfectly healthy."

"Thank God." I mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief.

"And it's only ONE baby, right?" I asked quickly.

"Mhm." She studied the screen once more.

"And?" I asked anxiously, a wide smile coming to her face.

"Its a..." She paused.

"A..." I said rushing her.

She continued to pause.

"What the fuck is it!" Taylor yelled causing Cameron to laugh.

"Girl!" She yelled.

"Yes!!!!!!" Taylor screamed standing up with Cameron, then kissing him with excitement.

I looked to Nash who was smiling.

"We're gonna have a baby girl!" I laughed.



We were walking out of the building, and Taylor was still talking.

"I'm gonna dress her up, and hold her, and play with her, and she's gonna call me Aunt Tay Tay. And you can be Uncle Cammy." She pointed to Cam. "And."

"Taylor." I interrupted her. "We get it!" I laughed.

"Oh sorry, I'm just so excited!" She yelled jumping up and down.

"I am too!" I said letting out all the excitement I was holding in, grabbing her hands and jumping together.








"It's a girl." I told my "mom".

"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you two!" She yelled.

Everything is happening so fast, before I know it I'm going to have my own baby girl.


So Soph's having a baby girl!!! Just letting you know, loveHCS (Sophia) is in charge of the baby's name, and what it looks like and everything soo... Keep reading!

- xoxo, Taylor😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now