Chapter Thirteen

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Sophia's POV


We went back to Taylor's where I told Nash I would tell my parents tonight by myself. We would tell his parents tomorrow together.

Nash went home for dinner, so now I can call.

I'm scared to death of calling my parents right now, but I have to. Alone.

I picked up my phone and called my mom. I'm sure she wouldn't care. She never cares about anything.


I nervously bit my nails while the phone rang.

Suspense rising.

"Hello." My dad picked up.

Damn it. I was kinda hoping my mom would pick up!

"Hi." I said. My breath hitching. I have to just go ahead and say it. "I have to tell you something."

"I have to tell you something too. We're already here at the new house."

Fucking wonderful. This is gonna be bad.

"Now what did you need to tell me." At least he sounded in a not so pissed off mood today. My hand started shaking. I could barely hold onto the phone.

I took in a deep breath and just let it out.

"I'm pregnant." I said crying.

"I knew you would screw up like this one day." I should have expected this. "We're at a friends. We'll be home in 20 minutes. You better get your ass over there before we get there." He said angrily.

There's no telling what's gonna happen. It terrifies me.

I cried for about 5 of my 20 minutes, until an idea came to mind. This is still gonna be bad for me, but maybe it'll work.

I ran downstairs to Taylor who was in the kitchen eating a cupcake.

"Taylor, my parents are home early I need you to get to my house in like 25 minutes. It's very important you're on time." I said rushed. Trying to act like I wasn't scared, or crying.

"Okay...." She said confused. A mouth full of the cupcake.

I grabbed the keys to my car, ran outside, and got in. I started up the car and took a deep breath.

It'll all be over soon.

I have never seen our house before, but I've seen pictures of the inside. So I knew my room is on the second floor, first door on the right hand side.

I slammed the front door and quickly ran to my room.

I had 5 minutes.

I set up my phone on my dresser so that it would record everything. I wasn't letting him get away with it ever again.

I had 2 minutes.

I sat on my empty bed.




This could all go terribly wrong. What if Taylor doesn't get here quick enough? What if this is the last straw for him?

What if.

I heard the door open and slam from downstairs. I jumped at the loud sound. Tears started rolling down my face, I knew what was coming.

I heard two pairs of footsteps coming up the steps. One loud, and the other soft.

He opened my door, and stepped inside. Leaving my mom behind him.

"You little stupid whore!" He yelled. "Didn't daddy always tell you to be a good girl and nothing bad would ever happen too you!?" He knocked over a lamp that crashed to the ground.

"You find everything I do wrong." I said trying to stay calm. It's true. I've just never been good enough for him.

"Well you crossed the line this time." He smirked.

He walked to me with his hand up and slapped me. My hand went to my stinging cheek. It was the usual though, so it didn't hurt that bad.

He grabbed me by the arms and threw me to the floor like a rag doll.

On the way down I hit my head on the side table, causing my vision went blurry. But I could still see my mom in the doorway. Just watching.

I don't know if she found it amusing, or thought I deserved it. Because she never did anything to try to stop it.

He surprised me by kicking me in the stomach. My hands flew to where it hurt. It hurt a lot more than a slap to the face.

"Stop! Please!? Your going to hurt it!" I cried out. He will not hurt my child.

"Do I look like I care!" He fucking laughed. "You should have never put it in there in the first place!"

"It's not my fault! I was drunk! I forgot!" I cried. I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"We don't forget! Because when you forget! Something has to make you remember!" He pulled me up to my feet by my hair. Looking me in the eye. "You start to forget all the other mistakes you made! And that's why I have to remind you!" He said punching me so I fell to the ground. Honestly right now I'd rather be dead.

My face was now bloody and I was in a ball uncontrollably crying, when I heard a yell from downstairs.

"Soph! Are you here!" I sighed from relief.

My dad's eyes went big, as my mom just casually walked to her room. Fucking bitch.

"She'll be down in a second!" He yelled.

He quickly got a towel and wiped the blood of my face, but there we're still the scars.

"Look at me. Tell her you fell on the sidewalk, and if I find out you told her the truth. Let's say it might look like more than just fall. Got it!?"

I nodded my head, grabbed my phone of the dresser, and scurried downstairs.

Taylor was standing in the door way admiring the house.

She noticed me and her smile turned into something of terror.

"What happened to your face!?" She yelled.

"I'll explain in the car." I said pushing her out the door.

I hoped in and shut the door. I sighed and sat for a minute, trying to calm down.

Taylor got impatient.

:Are you gonna tell me what the hell happened!?" She yelled.

I stayed quiet.

"Tell me!"

"He beats me, okay!?" I cried.

"What." She said quietly in shock.

"He beats me." I said quietly.

"When did this start?" She asked, tears threatening to pour from her own eyes.

"As long as I can remember. It happens daily. But then there's the times like this when I really mess up, and he doesn't control himself." I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

I leaned my head into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. Her whispering shhs.

"Come on we can talk about this at my house." She said. Starting the car.

After a quiet ride, we got to Tay's, ran upstairs and locked the door in case anyone could hear.

Taylor sat me down on the bed, her sitting beside me. She looked me right in the eye.

"I'm very serious when I say this. Okay?" I nodded my head showing I understood. "We have to tell the cops."


This was actually kind of sad to write about.

-xoxo, Taylor 😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now