Epilouge Part 2

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10 years later...

Taylor's POV

"Aria come play with your brother. " I called to my daughter.

I got pregnant with Aria Noel Dallas the week of me and Cam's honey moon. I had Ezra Michael Dallas two years later.

She jogged down the steps. Aria is nine now and Ezra is seven. They are both the most beautiful children I have ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because I'm their mother. They also both have the same medium brown hair as Cam, but with my hazel eyes of course.

"Mama, when's Bella coming over?" She asked innocently.

"She should be over any minute." I smiled.

She nodded satisfied, taking a seat beside her brother in front of the TV. Picking up one of his toy cars and challenging him around the race track.

Her and Sophia's daughter have been best friends, even though they are two years apart, that doesn't get in the way. Sophia also had two more sons after Bella. Hayes Benjamin Grier, and Niklaus Hamilton Grier. Niklaus is six, and Hayes is eight. It was Nash's idea to name him in memory of his brother, and of course Sophia agreed.

All of their children have Sophia's curly blonde hair, and Nash's bright blue eyes.

All of a sudden the front door swung opened. It didn't bother me since I was use to Sophia and Nash never knocking. But when I looked away from the the TV to greet them I was shocked to see it wasn't Sophia, or Nash, or any of their kids, but Cameron.

"Daddy!" Aria and Ezra yelled once they to realized who was standing at the front door.

The got up and ran to him giving him tight hugs before he picked them up in one arm each, kissing their foreheads.

He looked to me with a huge smile before setting them down and walking over. I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his lips I had missed so much.

"EWWW. " My kids laughed, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"How was filming. " I asked him, taking his hands in mine.

"It was great, but you know. I missed my beautiful wife. " He shrugged before giving me one last kiss.

Yep, Cameron decided his dream job was to become an actor, so he did. But he couldn't do it alone, so Nash decided to give it a shot too. Luckily they ended up being very successful. And not only are they actors, but sometimes they do directing jobs also.

After Nash and Cam got signed to contracts of major companies, mine and Sophia's family packed up and moved out to LA. It was huge change for all of us, but at least we didn't have to do it alone.

Soph and Nash also live in our neighborhood. It's so great, the kids always see each other, and ocean is right across the street. It's like we're one big family, which technically we are.

Originally I wanted to go to college, be a vet, but when we moved out here I had so many new opportunities. So I started script writing, which is great for me and the kids. I work from home, so it's okay if Cam has to be gone for a little while to work on a set.

Oh, and Sophia? Yeah, she's now one of Cali's best models. I could have seen that one coming.

I forgot to mention mine and all of Cam's closest friends. They saw how much we loved it out here, and decided to give it a try themselves. Although they don't all live in L.A. They, at the most, live twenty-five minutes away. I guess my wedding must have helped also because the couples I set up, actually worked out.

Everyone knew Taylor Caniff was rich in the first place, but now he's even richer. He decided to start working for a modeling company when his music career didn't exactly work out. Cassidy and him got married eight years ago, she chose to follow her dream of becoming an architect. And because of that, they now have their dream home in Beverly Hills with their family of four kids. Two boys, and two girls.

As for Shawn Mendes' music career, he has now won a couple of Grammys along with countless other awards. Shawn and Chloe got married seven years ago. They now have two little girls. Chloe decided to go to Stanford and is now, believe it or not, working on a cure for childhood cancers.

As for Matt, he is staring in a huge film coming up this year. Matt and Hannah got married six years ago. She became an author, so far with three best selling books. And together they have one girl who is full of personality. I know she gets it from Matt.

Aaron works for YouTube now, with 18 million subscribers, and making 2 million a year. Lauren and him got married seven years ago, and they have two little boys. Lauren shocked us all and is now a tattoo artist. Surprisingly she is amazing at what she does and has even done work on people like Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, and Pete Wentz.

Once again the door opened, and this time it was actually Sophia. Nash and their four children followed her through the doorway.

"Hey!" She yelled giving me a hug. "How are you holding up?"

Did I mention it's been twelve years since Hayes died today?

"I'm hanging in there. How's Nash?" I asked, motioning to him as he talked to Cam.

"Same old, just a little down." She shrugged.

"Anyways." I said, trying to change the subject. "How was the photoshoot?"

"It was terrible." She groaned. "My partner was some like 50 year old creep. " She laughed.

"That sounds like great fun." I laughed. "So are you gonna help me make dinner?"

"I don't think I really have a choice." She giggled.

3rd Person POV

The two families sat around the table as one, laughing, and talking about old memories. The two couples telling their children how they met, and all the adventures they went on. The two girls being the most interested in their love stories. They also told them the happy stories of their Uncle Hayes, before he left. Being sad that the children would never get to meet him.

After dinner they went outside and swam in the large in ground pool, soaking up the little bit of sun left before it went down. When it got dark the Grier's said their goodbyes to the Dallas', going back to their home just around the corner.

They all lived happily ever after, and everyone's dreams had finally come true.



Oh my gosh it's over 😭😭😭. I had fun writing this, so thank you if you read. I decided I'm gonna write two fan fictions at once. They will be posting one directly after this. The other one by next week. Once again thank you. I love you all forever and always. PS to see a pic of all the kids go here...


- xoxo, Taylor 😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now