Chapter Twenty-Two

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Taylor's POV


( a/n Music- All I Want by Kodaline)

Seats soon started filling up with people dressed in black. Skirts, shirts, dresses, and suits. Family, friends, and people there just for support.

Sophia is bawling, even though she hadn't known him long just like the people here who didn't know him at all, it's still a tragic story. I can tell Nash is trying hard to keep his cries silent, but his cheeks are tear stained and I know he's thinking about all of the memories. The fact that he will never see his brother again.

Tears are spilling from my own eyes, they're warm as they roll down my face landing on my hands in my lap. Cameron wraps his arms around me from beside and I lean into his chest. His jaw is clenched tight, something he does when he's either angry or trying not to cry. I guess it's the second option today.

"Taylor." He said , voice cracking, lifting my chin to look at him. "I want you to know that no one could have stopped this from happening. This is not your fault, only Hayes can control his own life."

People have been telling me this ever since it happened, but I think there will always be a part of me doesn't believe it. So I silently nodded my head and leaned back into his chest before the preacher started speaking.

"Welcome and thank you all for coming. I would like to start by asking everyone to turn off their cell phones." A lot of people did. " Let me put in image in your head. A sixteen year old boy with a bright personality. Kind hearted and caring. A friend, family, loved one that wanted to make sure everyone was happy. He loved and when he loved, he loved with all of his heart. He made people laugh with his great sense of humor." He paused. "But sometimes things get tough, some people shatter. This was Hayes, and he did shatter. And with that he also shattered the world of many people. He left behind a mother, father, two brothers, a little sister, more family, and endless friends." Sobs could be heard throughout the speech. "At this time I would like Hayes' closest brother to come up."

Nash stood up, his face puffy, and slowly walked to the front of the room.

"Hayes was not only my brother, but my best friend. I always picked on him, and he would pick on me back. I'll never forget the time we went camping, and it started thundering. He got so scared he came running in my tent faster than a cheetah." He chuckled through his shaky voice. "He was fourteen when he did that." That earned a small laugh over the tears in the room. "I will miss his bright smile and personality. Overall I will just miss him. But no one could have prevented what happened to Hayes." He said quietly.

I clenched my eyes shut. Yes they could have. I could have. I could have lied and said I would be with him. He would still be here.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

The words repeated in my head over and over. It's all my fault that Hayes is dead.

I couldn't take it in there anymore. I got up and quietly ran out the door. I knew Nash and Cameron and Sophia were following me, but I had to get out of there.

I ran all the way to the lake sitting down on the pier and crying into my hands. And soon three pairs of arms wrapped around me for comfort.

After I calmed down we all sat there in silence for a while.

"This is the only place me and Hayes had an actual date at." I said quietly, studying the water.

Luckily instead of trying to tell me it wasn't my fault, they just quietly sat, and we held on to each other. Remembering all the times we had with Hayes.

"I miss him so much." Nash whispered. Cameron looked at him.

"We all do."


I am a very shitty writer and I apologize.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now