Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Two weeks later...

Cameron's POV

Christmas Eve is tomorrow and right now me and Nash are trying to figure out something special to do with Tay and Soph. I just want to do something really special with Taylor. I haven't really had a night with just me and her for a while.

So far we have came up with nothing.

"Wait, Cameron I found something!" Nash said motioning for me over to his computer.

I groaned hoping it would be and actual good idea, unlike the other stupid ones he had.

But by the pictures and reviews I was impressed by what he had found.

"That's perfect! They'll love it."
The next day...

Tay's POV

I woke up because someone was shaking my arm.

I peeked one eye open. To see Cam standing over me with a grin on his face.

"What the hell. Do you want?" I asked.

"It's twelve o'clock. We've got to be at your families at two. Mine at four. Nash's at six. And a surprise at eight." He smirked at the last one.

A surprise?

"Well I guess I have to get up then. " I giggled, sitting up.
We walked down stairs to the best thing in the world. Food.

"Mm" I smile walking over to my mom at the stove. "What are you making?" I smirk.

"Pancakes, bacon, and biscuits are in the oven." She smiles.

"Fuck yes." I whisper walking over the Nash and Soph who are sitting at the bar.


"How do you always hear that!?" She's deaf when I'm trying to have a conversation but as soon as I whisper something she can hear it.

"It's a talent." She says as I take a seat next to Soph.

"Did you get woken up too?" Sophia asks grumpily.

We all sat around the circle table with our plates full. My mom to my left, Soph across, and Nash and Cam in between us. Nash and Cam have been whispering to each other the entire time as me and Soph just gave each other WTF are they talking about looks. Even though I think we both know it has to do with our surprises. I wonder what it will be?

I finished the last bite of pancakes before taking my plate to the kitchen, being the first one done. I started to hand wash it so I wouldn't get scorned for leaving my dishes in the sink. I would just have to do it eventually anyways.

I reached for the soap and took a glance through the window above the sink. My eyes went wide.

"Oh. My. God!" I squeaked excitedly.

Everyone at the table stopped talking to each other to look at me, wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

"What?" They all asked at the same time.

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed.
I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and face before shaving my legs. I honestly have no idea why I shave my legs in the winter, I guess it's just a habit. And I love the feeling of having completely smooth legs.

I finish my shower and finally stepped out, drying off before putting on underwear, a bra, and my robe. I heard a knock on the door just as I tied the belt around my waist. I opened it and Cam stepped in.

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now