Chapter Nine

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When I saw Sophia kissing Nash I probably came as close to passing out as you possibly can. I can't believe she could be so stupid! I told her about him, but of course she didn't fucking listen!!

I stormed over to them.

"What the fuck is this!?" I yelled, motioning to them being together.

"Oh, hi Taylor." Nash said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh hi Taylor my ass." I mocked. Rolling my eyes.

"Sophia, I think we need to have a little talk." I said giving her a death stare.

"Yeah sure." She said completely oblivious to what's wrong.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bathroom.

"What the hell!? Did I not tell you last night what he did to me!?" I screamed, hoping no one else was in the bathroom.

"Ummm. I forget." She said shrugging her shoulders, picking at her nails.

"God your such a blonde." I said frustrated. "He kissed me so Hayes would break up with me. For all we know he might just be trying to get to me through you!"

"No! He's not like that!" She argued.

"How would you know that, you've only known him for like five minutes!" Why won't she ever just listen to me?

"Taylor stop being a bitch!" She yelled, trying to walk out.

I grabbed her arm to keep her from leaving.

"I'm not!" I snapped. If anyone's being a bitch it's her. "I'm trying to stop you from getting hurt!"

"Well thanks but no thanks. I can control my own life." She scoffed.

"Fine, but you'll regret it." I said, there's no point in arguing with her. When she's got a guy in mind, you can't stop her.

I guess I just have to try and give Nash another chance. This is gonna suck.

I reluctantly walked back to Nash with her.

"I give you guys permission to date." I mumbled, my arms crossed. "But I'm warning you now. If you break her heart I break your neck." I said sternly to Nash.

"Relax I would never do that to my bæ." He said smoothly, sliding his arm around her waist.

"Well you sure are capable of it." I rolled my eyes.

"Yay! I love you Nashy! " Sophia yelled.

"I Love you more!" Nash said back, looking down at her.

What the actual fuck? They just met.

"No I love you more!"

"No I love you more!!!"

Oh my fucking God this is going to take forever.

I grabbed their shirts, dragging them towards the exit.

"Let's go you crazy unrealistic love birds." I said annoyed.


As part of me trying to give Nash another chance. We went to his house to hang out.

I sat in Nash's room for a minute, but them constantly making out on his bed made me wanna throw up. So I went to Hayes' room.

I knocked on his door, which was pointless because I walked in as I knocked. Hayes was sitting on his bed on his phone. When he saw me he quickly locked his phone and tossed it to the other side of the bed.

"Hey babe." He said, walking over to me. " I didn't know you were coming." He pecked me on the cheek.

"Yeah, me neither." I rolled my eyes and hugged him. "By the way my best friend and your brother are dating."

" What!?" He said. Letting go to look at me.

I told him about how Sophia came back and all that shit.

"I told her all guys do is break girls hearts." I said with a sigh.

"But not me, right?" He asked, his words rushed. Almost like he was nervous.

"No, and are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said with a smile. I decided to push it aside.

"Well good." I said, starting to push him back on the bed.

I got on top of him, pulling off his shirt. Feeling his abs. I leaned down till' my lips touched his. I started pressing them harder, but he didn't kiss me back.

"HAYES! COME WASH THE DISHES, I'M GOING THE THE GROCERY STORE!!!" His mom yelled from downstairs.

"COMING!" He yelled back, pushing me off and putting his shirt back on. " I'll be right back." He said to me. No emotion in his voice.

"Okay, I'll be here." I said quietly. What's his problem?

After playing on my phone for a minute, I heard a ding and looked over. He forgot his phone.

I knew I shouldn't do it. It always went wrong in the tv shows. But he's acting weird, and maybe it has something to do with it. So I picked up his phone.

Should I do it? One side of me said no, but the louder side said yes.

I swiped the screen. What could his password be? Well, he is Hayes so I tried what I thought it was, and of course it was right. His birthday.

I opened the message.

What the fuck? Tears started to swell up in my eyes. Of fucking course. Some girl's been sending him nudes. I can't believe this.

From Alexis:

See you tonight. ;)


Yeah, Taylor thought he loved her. So what will she do next when the drama unfolds?

By the way do you you ship Nashia?

-xoxo, Taylor😘

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here • Hayes Grier and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now