The Prowling Beast

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Test Subject 297 has gotten louder and more active since their last check up. They keep making that god awful noise that can be heard miles away all while doing their own thing. They get the biggest space to roam free and yet they complain more than anyone. A check up happens twice a month, sometimes three if need be; a crew of ten people total go in: six armed soldiers, one doctor, two biologists, and a chemist.

Last time, 297 attempted to take out the doctor as he was injected a serum into their nape. They were injured with three pulse fire shots to one massive paw, causing them to stop. They slunk away once the crew finished, returning to their misty cliff side where they could roam free. For the most part, anyway.

It stood 10 ft. tall with a length of 80 ft. Its paws, which were only four, stood equally apart vertically, and then horizontally. It's about as big around as one and a half buses in a perfect cylindrical shape. Its head was like that of a traditional Chinese dragon. It donned shades of red, white, and gold in a pattern that wasn't very consistent. Most of its head was dark red that faded into a brighter shade as it went along its snake-like body, keeping around its back. Gold speckled its body here and there, making it shine. White covered the rest of it.

Its jaws held several rows of teeth, four to be exact, with sharp, jagged teeth in each. The end of its tail had something like the end of a lion's, though it's was more flat and straight, pointy, and sort of…scaly? It's paws held massive, solid white claws, obviously cleaned with the check ups.

This was the creature Fox encountered the day they went to save the others from Paradise. It's bellows have increased in strength and projection. It's began to worry the scientists and armed forces. Their allies only supported them so much, and having this creature--test subject was proof enough that the United States wasn't afraid of creating something big. They weren't afraid of getting their hands a little dirty.

This creature is known as Serpent, and Serpent wants out.

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