Prospective Author Needs More Help

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Yes, it's me bugging you again...

LuckyPlum, pastelpumpkin, and Dante, you've read the whole of my publishing attempt, and Stars, I value your opinion XD if you have one. I'm trying to figure out whether I ought to change my "sales pitch" on The Journey, so I ask you: what would be your case for The Journey? What would you highlight to make it appealing and eyecatching to an agent?

Then there's the title. I love my title, it's so right for the book, and it fits in with the titles of the other planned three to follow. But on its own, it's just too generic, and I worry that it's one more thing to add to the blandness of my submissions. If I can get a GREAT title, I will take it.

If you have any suggestions, please, please fire them off at me! Even terrible ideas I might get a brilliant inkling from.

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