My October 31st

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*looks around furtively*

It wasn't us! The Nightwraith made us do it!

Hehe, ahaha, ahem. nightwraith17 thinks that because I celebrate Reformation Day instead of Halloween, my day is going to be that much more peculiar and interesting to her. This is probably rubbish, but here we go.

For the second time in a month...

*flourishes dramatically*


9:00 a.m. precisely-according-to-my-bedside-clock-which-is-actually-fast: I wake up, due to my sisters talking in the room. "Guyyyyyyssssss," I groan in annoyance, but the fact that they woke me up at all probably means that I've got my due sleep. I was up till 12:30 the night before(writing of course), so when I check the clock I realize I got eight and a half hours of sleep, which is actually quite acceptable. I bounce out of bed, toss a "Happy birthday" to my newly fifteen-year-old sister, and run up the stairs to find that breakfast is cereal and all the kinds I prefer are gone. I force down two bowlfuls.

9:10 a.m. The morning meeting, held Monday-Saturday to discuss the duties/events of the day, comes to order. It being my sister's birthday, and Reformation Day, there is a lot to discuss. I would be lying if I said I sat through it without impatience, but at last we close the meeting in prayer and I walk into the kitchen to do the dishes, which is my Wednesday chore.

9:45 a.m. I'm back in my room for a brief period while several siblings hide the birthday girl's presents. This is done in short order, and the rest of us troop upstairs to the living-room to watch the fun.

My sister happens to adore owls, and two of her presents are owl-themed, which thrills her into absolute ecstasies. The family watches and laughs at her transports of joy.

10:15 a.m. I plunk myself down and do some intensive writing in Path of the Tempest. Last night I finished a section from Captain Rhodes' point of view, and rather than switching to Ceristen, which is technically supposed to follow, I find myself inspired for the next Captain Rhodes POV section and write that instead. Admire my finished handiwork, open up The War to check on something, and get distracted for literally half an hour rereading it. In the middle of this we are called to lunch.

1:00 p.m. Lunch is late. But afterwards we get birthday cake!!! Lemon with lemon frosting and lemon candies on top.

2:25 p.m. I finish the lunch dishes and come downstairs, nagged by the guilt that I have not updated my Facebook page in two and a half weeks. I alternate between peeking at transcripts of Legea talk-play and looking for a quote to post on said Facebook page.

2:45 p.m. I find a quote and put it together with a background on Canva.

3:40 p.m. The quote is finally posted on both Facebook and Instagram. I get sucked into reading more of The War.

4:00 p.m. I decide it is time to make some use out of my day, and so I brush my hair and head outside on a walk with Mercy.

4:50 p.m. We come back inside. I pull my hair back and put on my shoes in preparation to go to work. I look regretfully at my writing that has not been touched since this morning, knowing I won't get a chance to come back to it till late at night.

5:15 p.m. I walk past my mom making pizza dough in the kitchen for the party tonight, grab the car keys, and walk out into the almost-warm weather. The ten-minute drive to the dairy farm is uneventful, save that I pass several strings of trick-or-treaters in town.

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