Oh hey, another one of these tag things

86 13 7

Tagged by... Mishi_And_Books

Do I have a crush?

Nope. I have come up with a list of young men I know who have good qualities for a husband, but that's all.

Middle name?

Well, that's kind of obvious from my profile, right? So yes, it is Aileen. Scottish variant of Helen. I like Aileen better. :)

Average height?

What does that even mean??? Is it common to have a range of heights? I'm about 5'1", I think. Haven't measured myself strictly for years.

Foot size?

Hang on while I go look at all my shoes to try to find one that actually has a size on it... Okay, I think I'm a 7 medium. As long as I read that faded mess correctly.

Eye colour?

We had this in the last tag. A sort of vivid-dark-bright-blue. I'm so bad at describing my eye colour.

Biggest fear?

I have lots of biggest fears, and I'm not sure I'd like to air them to the public's eye. But one thing I'm terrified of is one of my family members choking to death. Have someone start coughing over a bite down the wrong way and my heart is instantly going double-time.

Last song I listened to?

Well, my sister's playing the violin in my ear right now. Does that count? Forest Green, traditional English melody.

Last person I texted?

I don't have a phone. Yeah, I could probably use one soon... but until I get one, it's pretty funny to not have it.

Favourite app?

Not sure how to interpret this question. How does one even define app? Is an app an app if it is on a PC rather than other small device? Eh, who cares.

Well, that's that. Something tells me this tag has made a lot of rounds already, so if you wanna do this, you're tagged, but I'm not choosing any victims today.

Fly, be free!

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