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Prologue: Reader, this is no common tag. This tag was invented by Silmarilz1701, who tagged me in it to my sheer delight, and it is with excitement that I enter upon it and share my answers with you. It is a tag for writers (the best kind) with none of those shoe sizes, middle names, and birth dates. So, for once, I am actually going to TAG people at the end of this. Because I want to see your answers!

1. Favorite color:

My favorite specific color is crimson red. But since this is asking for general, then it's blue.

2. Favorite word for a shade of that color:

Sapphire and azure are both up there.

3. Favorite sound:

Rain. Rain can have so many moods, angry, dreary, wild, peaceful, dreamy, sad, and even perky.

4. Describe that favorite sound by using it in a sentence:

The dark, furred clouds released their rain in a torrent of thundering sound.

5. Favorite character from your favorite fandom:

*long pause on my part*

I mean, y'all know what the fandom is. It's just, HOW DO YOU PICK A FAVORITE?

The Hobbit: Gandalf and Bilbo are tied.

Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Frodo tied (NOT the movie Frodo)

Silmarillion: Fëanor. I can't help loving the poor guy even when I'm so frustrated with him that I hit the book. He makes me think of Mordred, because Mordred has the same violent anger that lashes out without thought for consequences. They even insult people the same way. Although, to be fair, Mordred doesn't... er... draw swords on his kinsman.

Tied with him: Maedhros. He tries so hard to keep the peace and control his brothers and make everybody happy, and by the end he and Maglor are so weary and wretched it's heartbreaking.

Honorable mention: Finrod Felagund, because who could not love him. He is so wonderfully loyal and selfless and his death is one of the most painful moments for me in the whole painful Sil.

6. Favorite character from an obscure fandom:

I'll gratify nightwraith17 and pick Artham from the Wingfeather Saga. ;)

7. Favorite descriptor for beauty:

I think it might be "clear". Clear/clarity seems to convey something beyond mere surface beauty, something to reward a closer look.

8. Describe something/someone using that descriptor: The water was a clear, dark blue, deeper and quieter than the sky above, wind-ridged and glistening with light.

9. Favorite death scene you've read:

I know I gush about Rosemary Sutcliff all the time, but she writes really powerful, touching death scenes. They make one so aware of the fleeting fragility of human life, and its value, so that almost no matter who dies, you feel a sense of loss.

Top marks go to Beornwulf's in Dawn Wind. I got the book at Christmastime and I've reread that scene dozens of if not a hundred times. Beornwulf, with his wife and three young children, who has gone from being the main character's master to being his friend, almost like an older brother to him. His death comes so suddenly, and the implications of it are even worse. But my favorite part is the writing, so vivid and full of untamed life even in the midst of death. That scene is the best in the book.

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