Female!Obsessed Fan X Male!Author!Reader

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(F/N)= Fan's name

I was a famous author in the city of New York City. I was known as the author that made amazing murder mystery and romance novels. Every novelist has fans but I had one specific fan that gives me the creeps. I basically had a stalker. Whoever she was, she would constantly send letters to me everyday. My mailman would complain about these letters all the time and how its hard to stuff 20 envelopes into one mailbox. But the weird thing about was that none of my fans knew my home address. I also felt as if someone was watching me and potentially following me wherever I go.

I was at the library, signing fans’ copies of my book “Locked.” It was my casual sign book and thank fans for reading them. But it was one fan that was more obsessed than the others.

(Fan’s name): “Oh my god, Mr.(L/N). I am a huge fan of your books.”

(Y/N): “Thank you.”

(Fan’s name): “I love how you take the first person view of the main character and make it as if you are experiencing the situation he is experiencing.”

Guy: “Come on, lady. We all want our books signed too.”

The girl left the line and the fans continued to get their books signed. After the signing, I was walking home. I usually rush home because of the recent murders but there was something about the night sky that made me want to admire it. I gotta admit the night sky sure is beautiful tonight. As I was about to enter my house, my front door was open. I was sure that I locked it. Someone must be inside. I called the cops and turned the lights on in the living room. As I was dialing the police, a rag was infront of my face and was drenched with a unknown substance. I fought back the intruder and reached for my phone.

Operator: “911, what’s your emergency?”

(Y/N): “There’s a intruder in my h-

That was the last thing I said before a painful blow hit me upside my head. I immediately fell unconscious, dropping my phone.

Time skip

I woke up in a bed. My head was wrapped with bandages. What happened? I was about to get up until someone opened the door. It was that fangirl from the library.

(Y/N): “Hey, I remember you.”

(Fan’s name): “You should, my love.”


(Y/N): “What...happened?”

(Fan’s name): “I was walking around the neighborhood and someone’s door was open. When I opened the door, I found you laying on the floor. Someone attacked you.”

(Y/N): “Why didn’t you take me to the hospital?”

(Fan’s name): “You can never trust hospitals nowadays.”

(Y/N): “Thank you. But I cant stay here. I have to get home.”

(Fan’s name): “But you cant! I mean you’re still in poor condition. Just rest.”

She pushed me back on the bed and walked out the room. I sighed as I laid back, head still in pain. I heard the sound of a car starting and I looked out the window to see her drive out the driveway. Something about her story is off. Why would she be walking around the neighborhood at 1 am? I might as well explore the house while there still is time. I walked around the house to search for anything suspicious.

I searched the kitchen, the closets in the living room and the bathrooms. Nothing. I walked into her room to see it was well kept clean. I opened her closet to find something quite disturbing. It was a shrine. It had pictures of me and somethings I had once lost. Like my hairbrush and one of my shirts. Not only that but a bloody trophy I had before. What the hell? I backed away from the shrine and bumped into someone. It was (F/N).

(F/N): “I see you found my little shrine. You like it?”

(Y/N): “You’re crazy. You attacked me last night didn't you?"

(F/N): “Don’t be like that. I did it to protect you from all those evil fans.”

(Y/N): “But you’re one of them.”

(F/N) looked down as I said that. She couldn’t believe that I said. Then she held a knife near my neck. I tried to get away but she cornered me. I was trapped.

(F/N): “I cant let you go, (Y/N). I did all this to be with you and I cant let you leave. You’re going to be with me forever.”

Shit! What do I do?

Option 1: Kill her

Hell No. I’m getting out of here one way or another. I grabbed the knife and tried to take it away from her. She pointed the knife towards me and I moved the edge up. I managed to take the knife away from her grip and pushed her to the ground. I got ontop of her and stabbed her in the chest. I did so repeatedly until I was sure that she was dead. Oh my god. Goddamnit! Why must I be kidnapped by a crazy fan?

Option 2: FATE!

I guess this is the end. I dont want to die but if it has to come to this, then I guess I have to accept fate.

(Y/N): “You win. I’ll stay with you. Hell, I would be your husband.”

(F/N): “Really?! Oh my god, this is a dream come true.”

(F/N): “Thank you, (Y/N)! Just know that you will never talk to your friends and family ever again.”

In the end, (Y/N) ended up staying with (F/N). They got married, hell they even had kids that grew up to be more like (F/N). Bad news for (Y/N).

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now