Touka X Fem!Ghoul!Reader Pt.2

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I was in bed with Touka. It had been 2 years since Touka killed Kaneki. After that, she became mighty possessive over me. She wouldn't let me go anywhere without her and if anyone came near me, she would, without a doubt, kill them. It was 7 in the morning and it was time to get ready for work. I got out of bed but was being held back by Touka's deadly grip. Even in her sleep, she was still protective. I pulled her arms carefully out the way and walked into the bathroom. While I was brushing my teeth, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

Touka: "Why did you leave?"

(Y/N): "We have to get ready for work."

Touka: "Fine."

Time skip


It was the middle of the day and (Y/N) was taking orders left and right. She was working too hard. After taking all the orders, there were barely any customers left. That was until Tsukiyama came in. He was sad about Kaneki's death and only came to the cafe to be reminded about him.

Tsukiyama: "I can't believe that my lovely Kaneki is dead. Without him, everything is meaningless."

(Y/N) sighed as she knew Tsukiyama was being dramatic.

(Y/N): "Tsukiyama, that was 2 years ago. Trust me, I was just as heartbroken as you were. But that doesn't mean that you should bring it up every time you come here."

Tsukiyama: "I know. I guess I have to find another scent."

Tsukiyama stopped and sniffed the air. His eyes darted at (Y/N). She jumped a little until Tsukiyama jumped over the table and sniff her.

Tsukiyama: "(Y/N), I never knew you had such a pleasant scent."

He continues to smell (Y/N) while she tried to break free from his grip.

Tsukiyama: "You smell better than Kaneki. Much better. Even you being a ghoul makes your scent even more great. I just need one sample. Just one."

(Y/N): "G-Get off of me!"

Tsukiyama was pulled off of (Y/N) and thrown near the door. (Y/N) was pulled up from the ground and looked to see Touka standing over Tsukiyama.

Tsukiyama: "Ms. Kirishima. How is your day? (Y/N) and I were just having a talk."

Touka didn't say anything and grabbed Tsukiyama by the collar and threw him out the cafe.

Touka's POV

I threw Tsukiyama out the cafe. He better be lucky that I don't kill him. I was mad. He was sniffing my (Y/N). Putting his face in her neck. That is going way too far. I turned around to see (Y/N) fixing her collar.

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Touka: "Next time at least try to get him off you! Instead of letting him do that!"

(Y/N): "Hey! It's not my fault! How was I supposed to know that he was about to jump on me?!"

Touka: "Maybe if you didn't flirt with him, he wouldn't!"

(Y/N): "You're blaming me for this?! Tch. Forget this. I'm going back to work."

(Y/N) turned around to face away from me. I could tell that she was mad. It wasn't her fault! Why did I say that?


The rest of the day went by quietly without a peep. (Y/N) didn't say anything to me after the argument from earlier. She was basically ignoring me and it was driving me crazy. It's all Tsukiyama's fault. If he didn't come in here, (Y/N) wouldn't be mad. Instead she is keeping herself away from me.


Touka left the cafe, leaving (Y/N) and the others confused.

Nishiki: "Why is she leaving so suddenly? She still has to clean up these tables."

(Y/N): "I don't know. But for now, clean up the tables. Who knows when she would be coming back."

Nishiki: "Damn you, Kirishima. Have me cleaning these tables. You should be cleaning these tables."

(Y/N): "Stop complaining. It's not that many tables left anyways."


Touka was running to where Tsukiyama was. He was going to pay for sniffing (Y/N). He was going to pay for touching (Y/N). He was going to pay for going near (Y/N). Touka reached Tsukiyama's mansion. Instead of a silent approach, she blasted through the walls. Tsukiyama was surprised but then he put on his signature smile.

Tsukiyama: "I would say welcome but it looks like you already made yourself at home. But could you at least come through the door?"

Touka: "You bastard! You will pay for what you done to (Y/N)!"

Tsukiyama: "What are you talking about?"

Touka activated her kagune and attacked Tsukiyama but he dodged it. He activated activated his own kagune and started to defend himself.

Tsukiyama: "Why do you even bother? All this pointless fighting for what-

Tsukiyama was then stabbed by Touka's kagune and was split down the middle. After that, she left the mansion. She was walking back to Anteiku. Everyone is trying to take (Y/N) away from me. I can't let that happen. She is my lover and no one else's.


I was laying in bed. I was still mad about Touka blaming me for Tsukiyama jumping on me. How was I supposed to know he was about to jump on me? I was about to drift off to sleep until I heard a loud thud. The loud thud followed with the sound of something being dragged on the floor and windows shattering. I got out of bed and was heading towards the cafe. When I got down there, the cafe walls were covered in blood.

(Y/N): "What the hell?!"

Touka: "I had to."

I turned around to see Touka covered in blood with her kagune activated.

(Y/N): "H-Had to what?"

Touka: "I had to kill everyone. I don't want no one to take you away from me. You were ignoring me. I don't want to be alone."

Tears began to form in Touka's eyes. I walked towards her and hugged her.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just upset."

Touka: "Please don't leave me."

(Y/N): "I won't. As long as you promise to not kill anyone ever again."

Touka: "I promise."

Years later, (Y/N) and Touka reopened a new cafe and married each other. Touka kept her promise. But only for and short amount of time.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now