Facebook!Fem!Stalker X Male!Reader

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(F/B/S)=Facebook Stalker Profile Name

(S/N)=Stalker's real name

I was talking to my friends on Facebook. We were planning on meeting each other this coming weekend. We all have been friends for almost 2 years and decide to meet up.

(Y/N): “Can't wait to c u guys.”

Wayne: “Me neither.

Tony: “We are going to have a blast together.”

(Y/N): “Meet at the park?”

Wayne: “Yup.”

Tony: “Sure.”

I suddenly received a friend request from some girl. I accepted the request and went back to talking to my friends. A little later, she texted me something quite disturbing.

(F/B/S): “I've been waiting to talk to you, my love.”

I ignored her text and continued what I was going. 2 minutes later, she texted me again.

(F/B/S): “Why aren't you texting me back? I know you are online.”

I was more creeped out about her and decided to block her.

(F/B/S): “Don't block me.”

(Y/N): “What the hell? How does she know?”

She sent me a picture and in that picture was a knife with a dead body. It was a man and she sent me another message.

(F/B/S): “He was my boyfriend. Well, more like my ex-boyfriend. I don't need him anymore because I have you.”

I deleted the message and began to panic. Who is this?

Wayne: “(Y/N)? You okay bro?

Tony: “(Y/N)?”

(Y/N): “Sorry. I just received the weirdest text messages.”

Tony: “What is it?”

(Y/N): “Some girl been sending me weird texts and sent me a picture of a dead body.”

Wayne: “Wtf?”

(Y/N): “I tried to block her but it was like she knew what I was doing. This isn't a coincidence.”

She sent me another text.

(F/B/S): “Who are you talking to, sweetie?”

(Y/N): “Stop texting me!”

(F/B/S): “Don't be like that. Is your friends making you mad, honey?”

(Y/N): “They have nothing to do with this. Leave me the hell alone!”

She stopped texting me. Finally.

(Y/N): “Finally. Where were we?”

Tony: “We were going to talk about (F/S).”

Wayne: “I'll be back. Someone is at the door.”


Wayne walked towards the door only to be greeted by a knife to his chest. He fell back and (F/B/S) closed the door. She continue to stab Wayne repeatedly.

(F/B/S): “No one steals (Y/N) away from me. Noone.”

(F/B/S) took her phone out and went to her camera.

(F/B/S): “Smile.”

She took the picture and sent it to (Y/N).


She sent yet another text to me. It was another picture. I was scared to click but when I did, I saw Wayne’s dead body. The text read:

(F/B/S): “1 more to go, my love~.”

I quickly started to text Tony about what happened.

(Y/N): “Tony?! You have to call the cops now! You're in danger and Wayne is dead. She killed Wayne!”

Tony didn’t answer the text. I immediately started to panic. Tony could be getting murdered right now and I can't do nothing to stop it. We lived in the same state but two of them live in a different city. If I tried to drive there, it will be too late. I was going to call the police until something hits me in the head. I immediately fell unconscious.


I woke up with my hands bound together behind my back with rope. My legs were also tied and I was laying on my bed. I looked up to see a girl on my computer. She was on facebook, liking all of my posts. Then she started to delete all my friends’ messages and change my status to in a relationship.

(Y/N): “Hey! Who the hell are you!”

She turned around. She had long brown hair with light blue eyes. She was slightly shorter than me. She had a wide smile.

(F/B/S): “Finally! You woke up. I was afraid that I killed you.”

(Y/N): I don’t think that you heard me. Who are you?”

(S/N): “Oh silly me. My name is (S/N). I already know who you are.”

(Y/N): “What have you done to Tony and Wayne? Untie me!”

(S/N) laughed at me. Like she think this is just a practical joke.

She touched my face and I flinched.

(S/N): “I killed your two friends. I can’t stand someone talking to you. Gaining your attention. You’re only allowed to talk to me and only me. I don’t want to kill you. And to make sure, I will take away your phone and any other ways you can communicate with other people.”

(S/N) went by her word and took away all my devices to make sure no one talks to me. She never let me out the house to go anywhere in fear of me running away and going to the police. It was like I was limited to the things I normally do.

(S/N): “(Y/N), do you love me?”

(Y/N): “Tch.”

(S/N) pulled a knife out of nowhere and held it in front of my neck.

(S/N): “I'm sorry. I didn't catch that.”

(Y/N): “I-I love y-you.”

(S/N): “Aww. I love you too  (Y/N)-kun~.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now