Mikoto X Male!Reader PT.1

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Mikoto Takashiki is from another Charon rpg named Mikoto Nikki. Mirai Nikki/Future Diary Reference ahead.

I was in my math class, listening to the lesson. Well I was more looking out the window daydreaming. I was completely ignoring the whole lesson. I couldn’t get my crush out of my head. Well, more like every guy in the school's crush. Her name was Mikoto Takashiki. She was the most popular girl in school and the smartest at that. She passes every test that was given and never missed a class. She was also beautiful. Her blue eyes matching her blue hair. Her sweet smile and cute face. What is there not to love about her? I’m planning on confessing my feelings towards her today after school. But I can’t raise my hopes just yet. There is a huge chance that she might reject me. I mean, come on. Why would she want to go out with a normal student like me? She dated other boys like that jerk Yukimaru. I don’t know what she saw in that guy but he wasn’t no good. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jealous. The bell rung and dismissed school for the day. I was looking for Mikoto outside. I looked and pushed through the crowd of students until I saw Mikoto walking down the street.

(Y/N): “Mikoto-chan!”

She turned around to look at me with a confused face. A blush grew across her face.

Mikoto: “(Y/N)-kun?”

I finally catched up to her, breathing heavily. It took some time to catch my breath before looking at Mikoto.

(Y/N): “I uh I have something to say.”

Mikoto: “What is it?”

(Y/N): “I l-like y-you. I had for quite some time. But if you don’t feel the same way then it’s okay.”

There was a moment of silence between us. She just looked at me with a flustered face like she was struggling to say anything. It was probably over a minute until she actually said something.

Mikoto: “(Y-Y-Y/N)....Are you serious?”

(Y/N): “Y-Yeah. I’m serious.”

She looked at me with a doubtful look.

Mikoto: “Okay (Y/N). I know you mean it. I don’t see you as someone who jokes around. I guess I like you too.”


(Y/N): “Really?”

Mikoto: “Yeah, I’ll go out with you.”

Weeks later

It has been 2 weeks since I confessed to Mikoto. Mikoto and I are officially a couple. And I couldn’t be any happier. To think that my crush would share the same feelings towards me is like a dream come true.

Mikoto: “(Y/N), do you want to come over my house?”

(Y/N): “Sure. I never been there before.”

Time skip

I arrived at Mikoto’s house. This was my first time going into her house. I came to her house to pick her up for dates but I never went inside. The strange part about it is that I never seen her parents answer the door. I knocked on the door. Mikoto answered.

Mikoto: “(Y/N)-kun! You came.”

(Y/N): “Why wouldn’t I?”

Mikoto: “Come in.”

I walked into Mikoto’s house. I looked around the house. It was a nice house. Beautiful at that. Why would anyone want someone not to see this?

(Y/N): “This is a nice house.”

Mikoto: “Thanks. Follow me.”

Mikoto took my arm and dragged me into the living room. She pulled me towards the couch. We both sat down.

Mikoto: “My parents are out so it’s just you and me.”

(Y/N): “Your parents are always out. When am I going to meet them?”

Mikoto: “Soon. Oh, I just got an idea. I will cook you dinner. I’ll try my best, okay?”

Mikoto left and ran into the kitchen, leaving me alone. I begin to become bored and decided to roam around the house. I looked around the living room and started going to the other rooms around the house. I walked into a room that appears to be her parents’ room. There was pictures of them lined up on the dresser. As I looked at the pictures, I noticed that in every picture, Mikoto was not happy. Her eyes were dim and a frown was on her face. Was she not happy about her family?

I continued to look around till something caught my eye. It was a drop of something on the floor. Like blood? And it was on the edge of the bed. It wasn’t much but I think that someone might have hit their head or something. Probably nothing major but why didn’t they clean it up? I left the room and went to the room next to it. It was Mikoto’s room. It was like your average teenage girl room. She had a computer and a ton of books. There was another picture of her and as usual, she isn’t happy.

(Y/N): “Is there something about her family that she doesn’t like?”

I looked over at a closet. I begin to walk towards it and as I was about to open it, a hand shut the door. I looked up to see Mikoto.

Mikoto: “What are you doing, (Y/N)?”

(Y/N): “I-I was just looking around. I got bored.”

Mikoto: “Aw, why didn’t you tell me?”

(Y/N): “What’s in the closet?’

Mikoto: “It’s a secret. Don’t go in the closet, okay?”

(Y/N): “Okay.”

Mikoto and I started eating the dinner she made. It was very good and she was talking about how she made it. I wasn’t paying attention. I was wondering what was in that closet and why she didn’t want me to look inside. Something is really suspicious about it.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now