Mikasa X Fem!Reader

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I only watch Attack on Titan up to episode 6 so I dont know much about the characters so far. Some of the characters might not be their original selves.

I was 19 years old. I joined the Training Corps where my friend Jean trains also. Yes my friend is Jean, otherwise known as the Horse. He could be a idiot from time to time but he was a good friend. Besides him, my other friends were Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. They are a rowdy little trio especially Eren. Armin is super shy and Mikasa is….mysterious. There was something about her that made me scared of her. But I wasn’t the only one.

I was eating lunch with Jean, Sasha, and Annie. Sasha was eating like she never did as usual.

Sasha: “Oh my god. This is the best potato that I ever had.”

(Y/N): “Don’t all potatoes taste the same?”

Sasha: “Every potato has it’s different taste. If they didn’t, then there is no point in eating them.”

Jean: “Why am I surprised?”

I continue to eat my lunch while Sasha goes on and on about potatoes. The topic of the conversation was weird but it was entertaining. I also had this feeling that someone was staring at me. It was a long stare. I looked around to see who it was but no one was looking.

Annie: “(Y/N), you okay? You seem a little uncomfortable.”

(Y/N): “I’m fine. I just had this feeling that someone was staring at me.”

Annie: “It was probably Jean.”

Jean: “But I wasn’t staring at her. I was staring at Mikasa. I think she was staring at you.”

I looked behind me to see Mikasa looking at me but immediately breaking the eye contact when I turned around. Why was she staring at me?

The commander walked into the room with his hands behind his back.

Commander: “Soldiers! Attention!”

We all stood up.

Commander: “Training will resume in five minutes. Be there or you will run till the morning.”

The commander left and we all sat back down.

(Y/N): “I wonder what kind of training it is?”

Annie: “Maybe hand to hand combat. If so, then I would love to fight you.”

(Y/N): “What do you mean? I’m not a good fighter.”

Sasha: “I dont know, (Y/N). If you managed to beat Armin, Eren, and Jean, then Annie wouldn’t prove much a challenge.”

Jean: “I-I was just going easy on her.”

Annie: “That’s not what I saw. I’m sure you were begging for her to let you out that headlock.”

Mikasa POV

I was sitting by myself as usual. I was eating while I was watching (Y/N). She was so beautiful. Her (h/l)(h/c) hair. Her (e/c) eyes. She was the only thing I wanted. And I was going to get it. One way or another. (Y/N) was friends with everyone. Even Levi. Nobody didn’t have a problem with her. Everyone loved her. But no one can show her as much love as I can. (Y/N) got up from her seat and was about to leave until Annie wrapped her arm around her neck. This made me mad. Annie doesn’t have the right to touch my (Y/N). She will sure die for that.

Back to you

I was standing in a line with other soldiers.

Commander: “Alright, maggots. We are going to be sparring. Choose your partner and beat the living shit out of them!”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now