Girlfriend!Monika X Reader

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Another gender neutral oneshot


I was sleeping in my bed. It was Saturday and it was my day to sleep in. That was until I started hearing noises from downstairs. The sound of pots and pans moving around caused my head to shoot up from my pillow. I lived alone and nobody has the keys to my house. I was about to grab my knife my dad gave me until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I hit the deck and hid under my bed. The door opened and then closed. I peeked from under my bed and slowly crawled out.

Monika: "Well if I didn't know better, my lover is trying to hide from me."

I jumped and turned around to see my brunette girlfriend lying on the bed with her legs hanging from one side.

(Y/N): "Well I didn't know you were coming over. I thought someone was breaking in. Why are you here?"

Monika: "Because I want to see my sugarbear that I love so very much."

(Y/N): "Well tell me before you decide to break into my house."

Monika jumped from my bed and gave me a hug. She kissed me on my cheek and skipped out the door.

Monika: "I made breakfast."

Monika ran down stairs while I remained upstairs. This wasn't the first time she did this. She did this so many times that it becomes a regular basis. But this is the person I want to be with despite her crazy ways in showing I love you. I walked downstairs and Monika gave me a plate of food.

Monika: "It's your favorite."

(Y/N): "You know me so well."

Monika: "Of course I know about my lover and their favorite food. Plus I have a plans that we can do together."

(Y/N): "Plans?"

Monika: "Yeah. I was thinking of a movie and then dinner. Just you and me."

Monika grabbed my hand and held it close to her face. Her emerald colored eyes were giving me a soft gaze as her lips parted into a small smile. My face heated up and I averted my eyes away from her. She giggled at my sudden action.

Monika: "Don't look away, buttercup. I love it when you look at me with those beautiful eyes."


Monika's POV

I sat down in one of the nearby tables while waiting for (Y/N) to get our tickets. I watched them from the distance and could do nothing but stare at them. Their (h/c) hair shining in the sunlight and their (e/c) eyes looking at me makes my heart beat nonstop. It's like I can't sit still when I'm not beside them. And that I'm like a lost puppy. I looked to the side and saw a group of girls staring at them. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists at their flirting. One of them had the nerve to walk towards (Y/N) and started to talk to them. They are so going to die for this. I immediately got up from my seat and rushed towards them. I grabbed (Y/N) by the arm and pulled them away from her. I continued to give the girls a death glare.

(Y/N): "Monika, are you ok?"

Monika: "Yes. Just don't want to miss the movie."


After the movie, the couple went to a restaurant Monika wanted to try. It wasn't anything fancy or anything. Just your average restaurant.

(Y/N): "I gotta say, Monika. This is a good choice."

Monika: "I just want the best for my pookie~."

A waitress came up to the couple with a notepad in hand.

Waitress: "What can I get you this evening?"

Monika: "Uhh, I'll just have the chicken salad."

Waitress: "Alright. What can I get for you, good looking?"

(Y/N) blushed at the comment from the waitress and stutters.

(Y/N): "I-I'll just get the (favorite/food)."

Waitress: "Coming up, hot stuff."

Monika growled at the waitress and decided to sit next to (Y/N). (Y/N) looked at Monika in panic.

(Y/N): "Monika, don't worry about her."

But Monika didn't listen. All she was doing was thinking about ways to kill the waitress for flirting with her significant other.

After the dinner, the two grew tired and went home. Monika suggested that they sleep in the same bed. (Y/N) got in bed and slowly went to sleep while Monika had something else in mind. She decides that she wanted to get revenge on the people who flirted with (Y/N) throughout their entire date.

Hours later


I slowly woke up in the middle of the night to find Monika not sleeping next to me. It strikes me as odd because Monika never passed up the opportunity to sleep next to me. Not to mention she was a big fan of cuddling.

(Y/N): "Monika?"

There was silence. I got out of bed and walked downstairs, searching for Monika. She left her bag on the couch along with her phone. Where is she? The front door opened and there stand Monika.

Monika: "O-Oh, (Y/N). I didn't know you were up this late."

(Y/N): "Where were you?"

Monika: "Ahhh, you know just walking around at night."

My eyes widened as I saw a huge blood stain on her shirt and sleeve. She was trying to hide it but she wasn't doing a good job at it.

(Y/N): "Where did that blood stain come from?"

She pulled out a knife out from behind her back. I stepped back a little bit, scared on what she was going to do with the knife.

Monika: "Those people were trying to take you away from me. I just got rid of them so it won't happen again."

(Y/N): "I can't-

Monika ran towards (Y/N) and wrapped her arms around their torso.

Monika: "I don't want to lose you. You are the only happiness I had in a very long time. I don't know what I would do if you were to leave me."

I wrapped my arms around the taller/smaller girl. I took a deep breath and kissed her head.

(Y/N): "I don't care about what you did. I still love you no matter what happens. Just..don't kill nobody else no more please."

Monika: "Deal."

In the end, Monika and (Y/N) stayed with each other despite Monika's small killing spree. It was just the two of them against the world.

Author-chan: "Just Monika."

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